What's Inside · Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (2024)

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (1)

Volume 33, Number 8: October 2015

What's Inside

5 Reasons To Sign Up to Review for the Conference

Call For Editors

President's Message

The ICA Journal Apps

A Flurry of Activity at ICA

Student Column: How to Write a Successful Submission

Call For Papers

Member News & Updates

Division News

Available Positions & Job Opportunities

5 Reasons To Sign Up to Review for the Conference

Peng Hwa Ang, ICA President-Elect, Nanyang Technological U

When you read this, you must be thinking up signing up for the conference. Yourattendance and presentations are what will make our Conference in f*ckuoka a greatsuccess. Thank you!

I would like to take this opportunity to urge you to consider another way to contribute toour academic community: Become part of the conference review process. Each Divisionmay find their reviewers differently but I urge you to find out what your divisions and/orinterest groups do and get involved.

The ICA is currently the most competitive of communication conferences. This is leadingto a phenomenon where because the conference has become more competitive weacademics will submit more papers.

Having more papers in the face of the same number of presentation slots drives down theacceptance rate, which then scares us to submit more papers, which then drives down theacceptance rate further. It is partly to break this running-to-stand-still phenomenon thatICA President Amy Jordan (U of Pennsylvania) had organized at the conference in SanJuan to accommodate more presentations.

How many paper submissions do we have and how many reviewers do we need? Here ismy back-of-the-envelope calculation.

Executive CommitteeAmy Jordan, President, U ofPennsylvaniaPeng Hwa Ang, President Elect, Nanyang Technological UNanyang Technological UPeter Vorderer, Immediate PastPresident, U of MannheimFrancois Heinderyckx, PastPresident, U Libre de BruxellesCynthia Stohl, Finance Chair(ex-officio), U of California-SantaBarbaraMichael L. Haley (ex-officio),Executive Director

Members-at-LargeColleen Mills, U of CanterburyAkira Miyahara, Seinan Gakuin ULilach Nir, Hebrew UMagdalena Wojcieszak, U ofAmsterdam

Student MembersFrancois Allard-Huver, ParisSorbonne U - CELSACharlotte Loeb, U of Mannheim

Division ChairsSahara Byrne, Children,Adolescents, and the Media, Cornell UCornell UJames A. Danowski,Communication & Technology,U of Illinois at ChicagoRichard Popp, CommunicationHistory, U of Wisconsin -MilwaukeeSeamus Simpson,Communication Law & Policy, Uof SalfordRichard Doherty, EnvironmentalCommunication, U of LeedsFederico Subervi, Ethnicity andRace in Communication, KentState UNatalia Rybas, FeministScholarship, Indiana U EastTerry Flew, GlobalCommunication and SocialChange, Queensland U ofTechnologyKevin Wright, HealthCommunication, George Mason U

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (2)

For convenience, let's take an average of 2,500 participants. If each participant presents apaper, that's 2,500 papers. We have a 45% acceptance rate, which means 5,555 paperssubmitted. If each paper requires two reviewers, that's 11,000 reviews. We have about4,000 members. So it's an average of three reviews for every ICA member. Because notevery ICA member is an academic, you can see how the reviews per active academicmember can increase.

Perhaps I may be preaching to the converted. But here are reasons to encourage you tosign up to review papers if you have not already done so. Not in any particular order ofmerit:

First, because of what the ICA has become, the research that our colleagues produce isof a high quality, at an international level, and the latest in the field. I think of my colleagueEddie Kuo, who found in 1992 that agenda-setting theory did not quite work in theSingapore general election. It was a puzzle then. Quite recently, I came across somework in this area suggesting that agenda setting did not work in an environment wherethe media were censored. And so a theory that originated in the USA, where media arenot censored, is refined by the international perspective.

Second, you become a better writer when you do reviews. I imagine that many of you dothis when you come across a good paper: "Wow, what an excellent paper; what can I doto emulate it?" Conversely for a weak paper: "Do I do this myself? What should I avoid infuture?" The lessons I have learned from reviewing have helped me to be a more criticalthinker and to pass on the lessons to my PhD students.

Third, reviewing is recognized by your peers (even if, regrettably, it is not recognized byyour university) and could get you recognized internationally and eventually could result inbeing invited to the editorial board.

Fourth, talk to every internationally renowned professor: He or she will be reviewingsomething. My school was lucky to have an endowment that was able to invite amongothers, the late Ev Rogers, for visiting positions. I happened to catch him in the canteenone day and I was surprised to see him reviewing some papers. He said he wasreviewing papers and then showed me other papers he had in his satchel. I decided thenthat this was a habit that I would emulate.

Finally, flowing from above, reviewing is good citizenship. Under that entry, Wikipedia inthe second line quotes former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt as saying: "The firstrequisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing topull his weight." What a neat summary. It is about pulling in the same direction, it is abouthelping the community.

Even better than good citizenship, reviewing helps us to be better academics. So sign upto review. You make the world and you better.

Call For Editors

Communication, Culture and Critique

Kevin Wise, InformationSystems, U of IllinoisAaron Boyson, Instructional &Developmental Communication, U of Minnesota - DuluthU of Minnesota - DuluthStephen Croucher, InterculturalCommunication, U of JyvaskylaAscan F. Koerner, InterpersonalCommunication, U of MinnesotaMatt Carlson, JournalismStudies, Saint Louis UAlena L. Vasilyeva, Language &Social Interaction, U ofMassachusetts AmherstLance Holbert, MassCommunication, Temple UCraig Scott, OrganizationalCommunication, Rutgers UAlison Hearn, Philosophy,Theory, and Critique, U ofWestern OntarioJesper Stromback, PoliticalCommunication, Mid Sweden UMelissa Click, PopularCommunication, U of Missouri -Columbia Chiara Valentini, PublicRelations, Aarhus UGiorgia Aiello, VisualCommunication Studies, U ofLeeds

Interest Group ChairsNicholas Bowman, GameStudies, West Virginia UTravers Scott, Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual, Transgender & QueerStudies, Clemson UEve Ng, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender & Queer Studies,Ohio UJanice Krieger, IntergroupCommunication, U of FloridaPatricia Phalen, Media IndustryStudies, George Washington UVeronika Karnowski, MobileCommunication, LudwigMaximillans U MunichAndrew Billings, SportsCommunication Chair, U ofAlabama

Editorial & AdvertisingMichael J. West, ICA,Publications ManagerJennifer Le, ICA, ExecutiveAssistantKristine Rosa, ICA, MemberServices Associate

ICA Newsletter is published 10times annually (combiningJanuary-February and June-Julyissues) by the InternationalCommunication Association.

Communication, Culture,& Critique Radhika E. Parameswaran, EditorIndiana USchool of JournalismErnie Pyle Hall 200Bloomington, IN 47405 [emailprotected]

Human CommunicationResearchJohn Courtright, EditorU of DelawareDepartment of Communication237 Pearson HallNewark, DE 19716 [emailprotected]

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (3)

The ICA Publications Committee is soliciting nominations for editor of Communication,Culture and Critique to succeed Radhika Parameswaran, whose terms ends at the closeof 2016. We expect the next editor will be appointed to a 4-year term at the June ICABoard Meeting and begin receiving manuscripts shortly thereafter. A completednomination package should include a letter from the candidate indicating a willingness toserve and a vision for the journal (including vision for use of Associate Editors), a CV,contact information for three references who are scholars familiar with the candidate'swork and skill set necessary to edit the journal, and a letter of institutional support fromthe candidate's home institution. Details about the editorship are available through thefollowing links:

Publication Policies and Procedures (http://www.icahdq.org/pubs/Publication_Manual.pdf)Communication, Culture, & Critique's Annual Report(http://www.icahdq.org/pubs/Publication_Manual.pdf)

Communication, Culture, & Critique publishes critical, interpretive, and qualitativeresearch examining the role of communication and cultural criticism in today's world. Thejournal welcomes high quality research and analyses from diverse theoretical andmethodological approaches from all fields of communication, media and cultural studies.Sites for enquiry include all kinds of text- and print-based media, as well as broadcast, stilland moving images and electronic modes of communication including the internet andmobile telephony.

Nominations should be submitted electronically by 1 December 2015. Self-nominationsare welcomed.

In 2015, the ICA Publications Committee also expressed a willingness to consider editorialteams, in lieu of a single editor, for nomination. In such circ*mstances, an editorial teamwould need to provide an additional statement indicating the division of effort andmanagement procedures the editorial team will establish, including a single chief editor forcorrespondence with the publisher.

Address queries and nominations to:Elisia L. Cohen, Chair, ICA Publications Committee [emailprotected]

Human Communication Research

Communication TheoryThomas Hanitzsch, EditorU of Munich Institute of CommunicationStudies and Media Research Schellingstr. 3, 80799 Munich [emailprotected]

Journal of CommunicationSilvio Waisbord, EditorGeorge Washington U4901 46th Street, NWWashington, D.C., 20016 [emailprotected]

Journal of Computer-MediatedCommunicationS. Shyam Sundar, EditorPennsylvania State U &Sungkyunkwan UCollege of Communication122, Carnegie BuildingUniversity Park, PA [emailprotected]

Communication YearbookElisia Cohen, EditorU of KentuckyDepartment of Communication231 Grehan BuildingLexington, KY 40506-0042 [emailprotected]

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (4)

The ICA Publications Committee is soliciting nominations for editor of HumanCommunication Research to succeed John Courtright, whose terms ends at the close of2016. We expect the next editor will be appointed to a 4-year term at the June ICA BoardMeeting and begin receiving manuscripts shortly thereafter. A completed nominationpackage should include a letter from the candidate indicating a willingness to serve and avision for the journal (including vision for use of Associate Editors), a CV, contactinformation for three references who are scholars familiar with the candidate's work andskill set necessary to edit the journal, and a letter of institutional support from thecandidate's home institution. Details about the editorship are available through thefollowing links:

Publication Policies and Procedures (http://www.icahdq.org/pubs/Publication_Manual.pdf)HCR Annual Report (http://www.icahdq.org/pubs/Publication_Manual.pdf)

Human Communication Research concentrates on presenting empirical work in any areaof human communication. The special brief of the journal is to advance understanding ofhuman symbolic processes, so there is a strong emphasis on theory-driven research, thedevelopment of new theoretical models in communication, and the development ofinnovative methods for observing and measuring communication behavior. The journalhas a broad social science focus, so it should appeal to scholars in communication frompsychology, sociology, linguistics, and anthropology, as well as areas of communicationscience. The journal maintains a broad behavioral and social scientific focus but reflectsno particular methodological or substantive bias.

Nominations should be submitted electronically by 1 December 2015. Self-nominationsare welcomed.

In 2015, the ICA Publications Committee also expressed a willingness to consider editorialteams, in lieu of a single editor, for nomination. In such circ*mstances, an editorial teamwould need to provide an additional statement indicating the division of effort andmanagement procedures the editorial team will establish, including a single chief editor forcorrespondence with the publisher.

Address queries and nominations to:Elisia L. Cohen, Chair, ICA Publications Committee [emailprotected]

President's Message: Strategic Planning

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (5)

President's Message: Strategic Planning

Amy Jordan, ICA President, U of Pennsylvania

I have been serving as President of the International Communication Association for only5 months, but I have been watching the process of organizational growth and change foralmost 5 years - first in my role as a member of the Board of Directors (serving as Chair ofthe Children, Adolescents, and Media Division) and subsequently as yourPresident-Elect-Select and President-Elect. What has impressed me most about ICA hasbeen its ability to adapt to the evolving needs of the membership and to anticipatechanges just over the horizon while at the same time maintaining a clear vision of ourassociation's mission and principles.

While the association does not have a "strategic plan," per se, it is constantly engaged instrategic planning. The Board of Directors, which includes Division and Interest Groupchairs, regional and student representatives, and members of the Executive Committee(made up of the president, past presidents, and future presidents) meets in person twice ayear to deliberate about pressing issues, vote on recommendations, and set the agendafor the months ahead. In between these meetings, committees and task forces are hard atwork. The Publications Committee, chaired by Elisia Cohen (U of Kentucky), has beenupdating the policies and procedures manual and soliciting nominations to fill the twoeditorships that will become vacant in 2016 (Human Communication Research and Communication, Culture and CritiqueCommunication, Culture and Critique). The Task Force on Regional and CosponsoredConferences, chaired by Francois Cooren (U of Montreal), is working to develop adocument that highlights "best practices" that have led to successful conferenceoutcomes -- a much-needed collection of wisdom culled from 10 years of regionalconference planning. In all, ICA currently has six standing committees and five task forceswhich are all populated by members who give selflessly of their time and expertise toensure that the association remains at the cutting edge of communication scholarship.

Another important way in which members are involved is in identifying colleagues whoseservice and scholarship should be recognized at our annual meeting. There are eightassociation-level awards given each year in a broad variety of categories - frommentorship to applied research to career achievement. In addition, ICA honorsdistinguished scholarly contributions and significant service in the discipline through itsFellows recognition. Nominating our peers takes time, but it is critically important thatdivisions and interest groups, in addition to individual members, highlight those whomthey feel especially deserving in their respective fields. We want our award winners to berepresentative of who we are collectively - and we hope for geographic diversity,demographic diversity, and disciplinary diversity in our nominees and our award winners.Be on the lookout for the call for nominations in the coming months.

October is a time when many will be preparing submissions for papers and panels to bepresented at our June meeting in f*ckuoka. As you read through Division and InterestGroup "calls" to decide where your work might find its best home, also considervolunteering to be a reviewer. We can't emphasize enough how important it is to theassociation that we have a broad and deep pool of reviewers who can provide programplanners with assessments of what should be accepted into the program. Your role in thepeer review process ensures that our meeting maintains its high standards of excellence.

I am privileged to serve an association so strong and so collegial. I look forward toengaging the strategic planning process with your elected representatives at our Januarymidyear board meeting, and I am always open to your suggestions and observations. Feelfree to e-mail me at [emailprotected].

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (6)

The ICA Journal Apps

JP Gutierrez, ICA Communications Director

A great development on our publishing front: Our journals are getting apps! This pilotprogram with Wiley is aimed to give ICA members a user-friendly way to read ICA journalson iOS devices (coming to other platforms in the future, hold tight). Currently only Journal ofCommunication and Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication apps are live andmembers can take our journals with them wherever they go.

It's easy to download and use.

1. Find our apps in the App Store: Journal of Communication

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

2. When the app opens, Click "I already have access" from the overlay

3. Select "Through my society affiliation."

4. You will be prompted for your ICA log in credentials. Enter them, and click, "Log in."

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (7)

If at first you don't see the overlay instructions described and shown in the instructionsabove, tap "Settings" (Gear Icon), then tap "Get Access." You will then be presented withthe onscreen instructions outlined above.

We welcome feedback! If you have ideas for new features, or want to give feedback onthe app, please visit Wiley's Ideas Portal: https://wileyapps.ideas.aha.io/ideas/new

Customer Support issues: Ask A Question at: onlinelibrary.custhelp.com/

Wiley Online Library technical issues: [emailprotected]

You'll now have access to all of the journal's content in a mobile (or iPad) optimizedplatform. You can even save articles to your device for your long plane journey tof*ckuoka, Japan. We'll keep you up to date on when the other journals launch, we hopethis will provide you with a new and exciting way to geek out over the best Communicationresearch.

A Flurry of Activity at ICA

Sam Luna, ICA Director of Membership Services

Sam Luna, ICA Director of Membership Services

The start of a new school term almost makes many tingle with excitement and the energyis vibrant and new. High on the list of things-to-do for student and professor alike arepreparations for new classes-schedules, materials, (clothes!). Often members putrenewing their membership aside for later, only to forget until it has lapsed. Up to 30percent of all members don't even realize their memberships have expired. Take amoment now to renew at http://www.icahdq.org/renew. But university life is not the onlything that shifts into high gear: A flurry of activity at ICA, too, marks the beginning of anew term.

The ICA Elections are set to close by 15 October. Don't be left out! It's very important foryou to take part in guiding your association's future. Take advantage of this opportunity toselect the ICA leaders of the future.

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (8)

ICA's conference submission site opened 1 September and paper and panel proposalscontinue to be accepted from non-members and members alike until 2 November at 16:00GMT. For all intents and purposes, the end of October! Only 30 days left as thisnewsletter goes out.

Lastly, I am proud to announce that the new Greening of ICA website has been updated.Kristine Rosa, our new Member Services Associate, has agreed to maintain the site. Visitoften to read about ICA's ongoing conservation efforts, including the Committee onSustainability activities as well as bits and tips of interest from various sources around theglobe! Thank you, Kristine! Feel free to send your own contributions for review [emailprotected] .

Student Column: How to Write a Successful Submission

Charlotte Loeb, ICA Student Board Member, U of Mannheim

Presenting our ideas and findings to a broader audience than our own peers is a veryimportant step, especially for young researchers. It allows us to obtain feedback as well asto meet other scholars working on similar topics. As the submission deadline for the 2016ICA conference in f*ckuoka, Japan is approaching slowly (Monday, 2 November 2015 at23:00 hours GMT), many of us are probably very busy writing and improving ourconference proposals. In order to be accepted for a conference presentation, we all haveto undergo a rigorous blind review process in which we have to convince the reviewers ofthe uniqueness and quality of our paper.

In this newsletter I want to share some tips I have learned about in differentcirc*mstances. You may have heard most of them already on different occasions.However, considering them while writing and submitting a proposal might give your paperthat bit of extra quality so that it will be accepted for next year's conference:

#1: Keep it simple and clear!

Most of the time, reviewers are short on time and reviewing might not be their top priority.Therefore, make sure that the reviewers get your point even though they might not beexperts in your field of research. It might be helpful to pay extra attention to carve out aclear structure that is accessible and on point. There are a number of other aspects thatare important:

Your title determines the framing of your paper. You should therefore choose itcarefully and make sure it attracts the reader without being only catchy. Invest some effort into your abstract. Do not simply copy-paste parts from your papertogether! A strong abstract is like a foot in the door: Start with the relevance of yourwork and make clear what your paper is about, which theories you are drawing on,what data you are analyzing, and give a first prospect of your results.

The introduction and the conclusion are especially important. The first paragraph of yourpaper is the like a first date of the reader with your paper. Make it memorable (in apositive way!) and present the relevance and the context of your study convincingly. Thelast part of your paper is what the reviewers take with them after reading your paper.Remind them of the significance of your research and spell out the implications of yourresults for the context of the study.

#2: Find the right Division for your research!

Which Division is the right home for your submission? The choice of the Division is crucialbecause you are not allowed to submit the same paper to different divisions and itdetermines the research area which your potential reviewers are experts in. Before you

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (9)

determines the research area which your potential reviewers are experts in. Before youchoose a Division, try to gain an overview over the different Divisions and Interest Groupsat ICA and their respective thematic foci.

Read the call for papers (CFP) carefully to get an idea what kind of proposals programplanners are looking for. If you are still not sure if your proposal fits a Division, contact theDivision leader, but do not send him/her your paper! Describe your study in one or twosentences and ask him/her for advice.

Once you have chosen the Division, make sure you situate your research within thetradition of this division and highlight the addition your research contributes to theresearch within the division.

Check the CFP for the submission criteria of the division you want to submit your proposalto. Each section is free to set its own submission criteria. Make sure your paper fits thesecriteria.

#3: The devil is in the detail!

It would be very sad if your paper would be rejected based on formal grounds. Therefore,please consider the following points:

Upload your submission in time! Keeping the deadline might sound simple, butbelieve me it sometimes is not. Keep in mind that you probably live in a different timezone, so the deadline might in fact be earlier/later depending on where you live.Don't forget to "blind" your submission! Submissions that still contain the authors'names are rejected straight away and do not undergo the review process. As youmight know, ICA receives a few thousand submissions every year. Program plannersdo not have the time or capacity to get in touch with you and ask you to blind yourpaper properly and submit it again.Edit your paper carefully before submitting it! Typos, spelling errors, or grammaticalerrors do not make a good impression. Check your reference list and make sure it fitsthe APA guidelines and make sure you spelled all listed author names correctly.

I hope these tips are helpful to you! After submitting your proposals you should alsoconsider to volunteer to review yourself! Volunteering as a reviewer is a win-win situation:Not only is it a great chance to give something back to the community, it is also a verygood opportunity to get to know "the other side." Looking at a paper through a reviewer'seye might help you to detect and avoid weaknesses in your own writing. Besides, it is alsoan addition to your CV. Thus, before deciding to become a reviewer for a specificDivision, you should ask the division leadership about their requirements.

Call for Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS: Technology and Human Behavior - Apreregistered Special Issue

Psychological research practice has undergone some remarkable changes in recentyears. The discipline's attention towards issues of theory robustness,replicability/reproducibility of empirical findings, and open science practices hassubstantially increased. Media psychology is part of this improvement as 2015 marks thebeginning of a new phase. For the first time, psychologists and communicationresearchers are provided with the opportunity to submit and publish pre-registered

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (10)

research reports at the Journal of Media Psychology.

To promote such new research practices in general, and the new submission format atthe Journal of Media Psychology in particular, we are pleased to announce this call forpapers for a fully preregistered Special Issue on "Technology and Human Behavior" whichwill be published in 2017. For further information about the article format, research topics,and deadlines, please take a look at the CfP:

click to view PDFMalte Elson and Andrew Przybylski (Special Issue editors)

Call for Papers: Special Issue of Business & Society

CSR and Communication: Examining how CSRShapes, and is Shaped by, Talk and Text

Guest editors:Andrew Crane, Schulich School of BusinessMette Morsing, Copenhagen Business SchoolDennis Schoeneborn, Copenhagen Business School

This Special Issue of Business & Society seeks to expand and enrich the body of researchon CSR and communication. Specifically, it aims to examine the role of talk and text(including verbal, visual and written communication) in shaping the nature and meaning ofCSR - and how CSR meanings in turn shape such communication. This may includescholarly contributions that will extend our understanding of how rhetoric, narrative,discourse, sensemaking, and other frameworks of meaning are involved in CSRcommunication.

The existing literature on CSR tends to be - at least implicitly - permeated with anormative or prescriptive stance on CSR communication: either as optimism about howcommunication of CSR can be used by corporations to foster their reputation andlegitimacy (e.g., Sen, Bhattacharaya & Korschun, 2006; Ferrell, Gonzalez-Padron, Hult &Maignan, 2010) - or with a rather skeptical stance. These latter works suspect thatcommunication tends to be used by corporations as a powerful means to ward off criticismand give false impressions of 'green-washing' or 'window-dressing' (e.g., Roberts, 2003;Banerjee, 2008). Across these perspectives, communication tends to be primarily seen asan instrument that is employed by corporations to disseminate information about CSRpractices (that have already been implemented to a greater or lesser degree).

However, the prospective, anticipatory, and formative role of communication for CSR has,thus far, tended to remain implicit or undertheorized. More specifically, communicativepractices can play an important and formative role, for instance, in constituting networkedrelationships between business firms and larger society (Castello, Morsing & Schultz,2013; Schoeneborn & Trittin, 2013), in driving organizational and social change(Christensen, Morsing & Thyssen, 2013; Haack, Schoeneborn & Wickert, 2012), inconstituting new subject relations in the field of CSR (Caruana & Crane, 2008), andenabling sensemaking about what CSR can and cannot be (Basu & Palazzo, 2008). Inother words, there is a need to understand better what communication does to CSR andwhat CSR does to communication.

If CSR is a "moving target" (Christensen et al., 2013; Haack & Schoeneborn, 2015), "inconstant flux" (Carroll, 1979) and "in a continuing state of emergence" (Lockett, Moon &Visser, 2006) as scholars and practitioners tend to agree, then a static and tool-likeunderstanding of CSR communication seems to be insufficient. New information andcommunication technologies ( e.g., social media) appear to further push and transform thecommunicative dynamics within and between organizations and their environment(Castello et al., 2013; Whelan, Moon & Grant, 2013). These new challenges suggest theneed for communication- centered works that can help understand how CSR is acontinuous activity through which individuals and organizations "explore, construct,negotiate and modify what it means to be a socially responsible organization"

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (11)

(Christensen & Cheney, 2011, p. 491).

We therefore suggest bringing a formative view of communication to the forefront of CSRresearch in this Business & Society special issue. We invite contributions that take stockof our existing knowledge and advance CSR communication theory through newconceptual considerations, empirical insights, and critical reflections. We particularlyencourage papers that approach CSR communication through talk and text by drawing onconcepts like rhetoric, narratives, discourse, sensemaking, as well as other frameworksthat help inform the formative role of communication in CSR. This also may involvepapers grounded in more general constructionist perspectives, including works that followemergent ideas of "communicative institutionalism" (Cornelissen, Durand, Fiss, Lammers& Vaara, 2015) or the "communicative constitution of organizations" (CCO) perspective (Cooren, Kuhn, Cornelissen & Clarke, 2011). In this way, we hope to be able to compile arich set of articles that help enhance our understanding of what communication does toCSR and what CSR does to communication.

We welcome a broad range of questions and topic areas within the broad theme - someindicative questions include:

How do different forms of communication shape stakeholder interpretations of themeaning and scope of CSR? In what ways is CSR communication performative withmaterial impacts (see also the idea of "aspirational talk" by Christensen et al., 2013)?How do different actors respond to, resist, and engage with specific rhetorical strategiesand figures (e.g., allusion, analogy, hyperbole, metaphor, metonymy, or humor),employed by corporations in their CSR communication?What narrative structures and components are used to give meaning to the process ofCSR design and implementation?How do actors in organizational settings differ in their sensemaking of CSR, includingproductive forms of misunderstanding?In what ways does intensified "CSR talk" influence the formation and change ofindividual, professional and organizational identities in the workplace (e.g., in terms ofimproved self-enhancement and identification as well as cynicism and "CSR fatigue") ?How is CSR knowledge embedded in micro and macro discourses of organization andwhat role do governmentality and responsibilization play in discursive formations of CSR?By whom, and for what purpose is the meaning of CSR (as an "empty signifier")constituted through signs and symbols? What new semiotic language does CSR bringinto economic life?To what extent does the formative role of communication for CSR become intensified bynew information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as social media? Forexample, in what ways does it influence and change image-identity relations forindividuals and organizations?To what extent do new ICTs enable the creation of new, fluid, and networked forms ofcommunication structures that, in turn, create new issues of corporate socialresponsibility (e.g., transparency, privacy, and surveillance) and different forms ofaccountability and disclosure?


The deadline for submission of full papers is 12 December 2016. Authors should submittheir manuscripts through ScholarOne Manuscripts at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/bas .

Authors should be sure to specify in the submission system that the manuscript is for thespecial issue on "CSR and Communication". Manuscripts should be prepared followingthe Business & Society author guidelines:http://www.sagepub.com/journals/Journal200878/manuscriptSubmission .

All articles will be subjected to double-blind peer review and editorial process inaccordance with the policies of Business & Society.

Special Issue Workshop

To help authors prepare their manuscripts for submission, a Special Issue Workshop will

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (12)

be held on 6 July 2016, prior to the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS)Colloquium 2016 in Naples, Italy. The workshop will be facilitated by the Special Issueeditors.

Authors are invited to present and discuss their papers during the workshop and toreceive feedback for further improvement of their manuscripts. Acceptance forpresentation at the workshop does not guarantee acceptance of the paper for publicationin Business & Society.

To be considered for the workshop, authors will need to submit a short paper (max. 10double-spaced pages, incl. references and exhibits) via the EGOS website by 31 March2016. More information about the submission procedure will be made available in January,2016 on the Business & Society website (http://bas.sagepub.com - see updated call in the"Call for Papers" section). Note that submission of a short paper to the workshop is not aprecondition for submission of a full paper to the Special Issue.

The ICA Publications Committee is soliciting nominations for editor of HumanCommunication Research to succeed John Courtright (U of Delaware), whose terms endsat the close of 2016. We expect the next editor will be appointed to a four-year term at theJune ICA Board Meeting and begin receiving manuscripts shortly thereafter. A completednomination package should include a letter from the candidate indicating a willingness toserve and a vision for the journal (including vision for use of Associate Editors), a CV,contact information for three references who are scholars familiar with the candidate'swork and skill set necessary to edit the journal, and a letter of institutional support fromthe candidate's home institution. Details about the editorship are available through thefollowing links:

Publication Policies and Procedures ( ttp://www.icahdq.org/pubs/Publication_Manual.pdf )HCR Annual Report ( http://www.icahdq.org/pubs/reports/Annual_Report_2013.pdf )

Human Communication Research concentrates on presenting empirical work in anyarea of human communication. The special brief of the journal is to advanceunderstanding of human symbolic processes, so there is a strong emphasis ontheory-driven research, the development of new theoretical models in communication,and the development of innovative methods for observing and measuring communicationbehavior. The journal has a broad social science focus, so it should appeal to scholarsin communication from psychology, sociology, linguistics, and anthropology, as well asareas of communication science. The journal maintains a broad behavioral and socialscientific focus but reflects no particular methodological or substantive bias.

Nominations should be submitted electronically by 1 December 2015. Self-nominationsare welcomed.

In 2015, the ICA Publications Committee also expressed a willingness to considereditorial teams, in lieu of a single editor, for nomination. In such circ*mstances, aneditorial team would need to provide an additional statement indicating the division ofeffort and management procedures the editorial team will establish, including a singlechief editor for correspondence with the publisher.

Address queries and nominations to:

Elisia L. Cohen, Chair, ICA Publications [emailprotected] 859-257-3323

The ICA Publications Committee is soliciting nominations for editor of Communication,Culture and Critique to succeed Radhika Parameswaran (Indiana U), whose term ends atthe close of 2016. We expect the next editor will be appointed to a four-year term at theJune ICA Board Meeting and begin receiving manuscripts shortly thereafter. A completednomination package should include a letter from the candidate indicating a willingness to

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (13)

serve and a vision for the journal (including vision for use of Associate Editors), a CV,contact information for three references who are scholars familiar with the candidate'swork and skill set necessary to edit the journal, and a letter of institutional support fromthe candidate's home institution. Details about the editorship are available through thefollowing links:

Publication Policies and Procedures (http://www.icahdq.org/pubs/Publication_Manual.pdf)Communication, Culture, & Critique's Annual Report (http://www.icahdq.org/pubs/reports/Annual_Report_2013.pdf )

Communication, Culture, & Critique publishes critical, interpretive, and qualitativeresearch examining the role of communication and cultural criticism in today's world.The journal welcomes high quality research and analyses from diverse theoretical andmethodological approaches from all fields of communication, media and cultural studies.Sites for enquiry include all kinds of text- and print-based media, as well as broadcast,still and moving images and electronic modes of communication including the internetand mobile telephony.

Nominations should be submitted electronically by 1 December 2015. Self-nominationsare welcomed.

In 2015, the ICA Publications Committee also expressed a willingness to considereditorial teams, in lieu of a single editor, for nomination. In such circ*mstances, aneditorial team would need to provide an additional statement indicating the division ofeffort and management procedures the editorial team will establish, including a singlechief editor for correspondence with the publisher.

Address queries and nominations to:

Elisia L. Cohen, Chair, ICA Publications [emailprotected] 859-257-3323

Member News & Updates

This article includes new postings with the latest ICA member news, as well as updateson outside conferences and publications. All ICA members are encouraged to submit theirlatest professional news for inclusion in the Newsletter by e-mailing Jennifer Le [emailprotected].

New Book Announcement: The Video Game Debate: Unravelling the Physical, Social,and Psychological Effects of Digital Games (Kowert & Quandt, Eds).

We are proud to announce the release of The Video Game Debate: Unravelling thePhysical, Social, and Psychological Effects of Digital Games . Now, for the first time, youcan catch up with the state of the research relating to digital game effects in an easy toread volume. "The Video Game Debate" is a compilation of short review articles about thepositive and negative effects of digital games written by some of the top internationalscholars of digital games studies - such as Cheryl Olson, Mark Griffiths, and ChrisFerguson. It addresses such questions as:

Do violent video games cause aggression?Are online communities socially valuable?

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (14)

Can we learn from video games? If so, what?...and more ( you can see the full ToC here )!

Not only is this volume the

first to provide a comprehensive source of information on the potential effects of videogame play (off- and online, positive and negative), but it is the first volume of its kind to bewritten with a general audience in mind. Our aim was to create a book that is equallyassessable and valuable to parents, policy makers, educators, and clinicians as well asscholars.

For the parent, this volume will inform you about what the researchers in the field have tosay about the effects, both positive and negative, of digital game play.

For the policy maker, this volume will get you up to speed with the state of the researchwithin the scientific community, allowing you to understand the strengths and limitations ofthis line of research as well as the current understanding of what, if any, effects areevident and how strong they are.

For the clinician, this volume will help you better inform your clients, whether they beconcerned parents or gamers themselves.

For the scholar, this volume will provide a series of concise, essays relating to the mainconcerns within this area of study. Sure beats reading hundreds of articles! Although, ofcourse, the volume is fully referenced so you will be able to find further resources if youare interested in learning more about a particular subject.

For the educator, this book will help you get a better understanding of this new mediumin terms of its place in our culture and society, the moral panics surrounding it, and thestate of effects research. The chapters on Games and Learning and Gaming Communitieswill also help you better understand how games can be used in the classroom (thesechapters are useful for game designers as well!).

As this book is organized as a series of short articles, it would also make a great text formedia studies, game studies, and media effects courses (if you are interested in using thisbook for your courses, you should request a review copy from Routledge ).

We hope that you will enjoy "The Video Game Debate" and that it will soon become avaluable resource within the community and beyond!

If you would like to learn more about this project, be sure and check out this episode ofthe Psychology of Games Podcast!

Division News

Communication and Technology

Emergent Propositions about Communication with Power

Chair: James Danowski (U of Illinois at Chicago)

The frequent anecdotal evidence and claims social and political observers make, coupledwith the 2016 ICA conference theme, "Communication with Power," may lead one toexpect that communication technologies play an important role in this scholarly literaturedomain.

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (15)

To show you what propositions may emerge across CAT papers, I placed into one file allabstracts from CAT papers and panels presented from 2012 to 2015. Then WORDij(http://wordij.net) extracted all word pairs occurring at least 3 times within 3 word positionson either side of each word in the full text, the default. Next, using the resulting aggregateword network, WORDij's OptiComm program traveled all paths in the word networkbetween 'communication' and 'power' and output the strings of words. (I asked for a stringlength no longer than 7 words and for the top 16 strings in centrality and path strength.

Because I retained the order of words in pairs, this directionality embeds into the networkconsiderable syntactical information, as well as pragmatic semantic contextualinformation. And, the word stemming option was not selected, so the emergent stringshave more linguistic validity, with the caveat that common function words, such as 'the, of,that, and, etc., were originally dropped.

The findings are surprising. There is no path in the CAT 4-year abstract corpus that linkscommunication and power at the default pair frequencies of 3 or more.

Nevertheless, when I dropped lower into the word frequency distribution and kept wordpairs that occurred only 2 times, the following below the radar propositions emerged.

Still, there is value in the resulting propositions If you insert key research interrogatives --who, what, where, when, why, and how. A rich set of potentially interesting questionsresults, suitable for 2016 conference panel debates or papers, or for your other work.

Top 'Communication' & 'Power' Propositions Emergent from CollectiveCAT Abstracts: 2012-2015[0.5000] communication -> power (2.0000)[0.6115] communication -> social -> information -> power (12.6667)[0.6206] communication -> research -> social -> information -> power (20.7500)

[0.6400] communication -> social -> online -> information -> power (17.2500)[0.6463] communication -> media -> social -> information -> power (18.2500)[0.6492] communication -> research -> social -> online -> information -> power(22.8000)[0.6503] communication -> social -> media -> online -> information -> power(76.8000)[0.6550] communication -> media -> online -> information -> power (16.0000)[0.6595] communication -> research -> social -> media -> online -> information-> power (71.5000)[0.6620] communication -> social -> media -> information -> power (86.7500)[0.6620] communication -> research -> online -> information -> power (19.5000)[0.6667] communication -> media -> information -> power (9.0000)[0.6711] communication -> research -> social -> media -> information -> power(78.4000)[0.6734] communication -> social -> media -> users -> information -> power(75.8000)[0.6749] communication -> media -> social -> online -> information -> power(20.8000)[0.6757] communication -> social -> influence -> online -> information -> power(20.8000)

The first column is a measure of the centrality of the string in the aggregatesemantic network. The last column is the sum of the path strengths.

Let's compare the CAT propositions with those emerging across the full text of recentbooks and theoretical articles that contain the words 'communication, power, andtechnology.' Using the frequencies of 3 or more, with other options at defaults, andextracting all the pairs between communication and power, here are the top propositionsextruded from that body of collective intelligence.

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (16)

Top 'Communication,' 'Technology,' & 'Power' Propositions Emergentfrom Recent Books & ArticlesAll paths[0.0278] communication -> power (36.0000)[0.0644] communication -> media -> power (52.0000)[0.0709] communication -> new -> global -> power (73.3333)[0.0712] communication -> social -> political -> power (50.6667)[0.0724] communication -> media -> political -> power (52.0000)

[0.0736] communication -> social -> global -> power (62.0000)[0.0741] communication -> new -> power (36.0000)[0.0753] communication -> social -> media -> power (121.6667)[0.0755] communication -> new -> media -> power (100.6667)[0.0781] communication -> social -> movements -> global -> power (108.5000)[0.0797] communication -> social -> new -> global -> power (85.5000)[0.0826] communication -> social -> network -> state -> power (57.0000)[0.0829] communication -> social -> new -> power (64.6667)[0.0833] communication -> social -> media -> political -> power (104.2500)[0.0836] communication -> new -> media -> political -> power (88.5000)[0.0840] communication -> new -> social -> political -> power (57.0000)

'Technology' does not appear in these strings. Nevertheless, 'social media' does. It hasshown a step climb in frequency in CAT papers in the past several years and across allICA papers (see prior newsletters).

Noteworthy is that the emergent propositions from the books and articles contain moremacro-level concepts than those from CAT. Perhaps theories of communication andpower would more effectively advance if the two levels of analysis -- macro and micro - ifCAT researchers bride them more.

Your examination of the two sets of propositions may produce some new ideas thatimprove the writing of your upcoming CAT submissions for the 2016 meetings. Or, at aminimum, if you attend any presentations about Communication with Power in f*ckuoka,you may have a more developed conceptual network. As you listen and contemplate, youmay enhance it as you attach additional concepts and observe the synergistic outcomes,perhaps prompting your insightful questions and comments at the sessions.

Environmental Communication Division

I am writing to remind you that the paper submission for the f*ckuoka 2016 conference isopen and that the deadline for all submissions is 2 November 2015 (23:00GMT). Nextyear's conference theme is "Communicating with Power." Please try to submit as early aspossible to prevent any technical issues (and yes, they do happen as most submissionsoccur within the last couple of days before the deadline).

The CFP can be found here: http://www.icahdq.org/conf/2016/2016CFP.pdf

Also, we need your help in order for the division to maintain and increase the quality ofaccepted submissions. Please remember to volunteer as reviewers for these submissionswhen you submit your papers, and to email me at [emailprotected] with your basiccontact info and areas of expertise so we can continue to build our database of reviewers.You will most likely only have 2-4 papers or panels to review and you will have about 4weeks to complete the work.

Finally, let me know if you have ideas for panel proposals that you think could beco-sponsored with other division(s).

This is a great way to foster collaborations with other divisions and to have a strongerpresence at the conference.

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (17)

And as always, if you have any other questions, concerns, or general ideas about theupcoming conference or plans, please do not hesitate to email me at [emailprotected] .

Feminist Scholarship Division

Reviewers Needed for Feminist Scholarship Division (FSD)

If you are faculty member or advanced graduate student, please consider reviewing forthe Feminist Scholarship Division for f*ckuoka 2016. You need to be registered as an ICAmember with an active membership. If you are interested in reviewing, please e-mail StineEckert at [emailprotected] . Thank you!

Mobile Communication Studies Interest Group

ICA Conference in f*ckuoka: Three Opportunities to Get Involved

By: Veronika, Colin, and Thilo

The Mobile Communication Interest Group is offering three opportunities for scholarlyexchange at the 2016 ICA conference in f*ckuoka. We invite all scholars to submit theirideas and work and to get involved with these activities:

For this first time, the Interest Group will have panels within the regular ICA conferenceprogram. Accepted papers may be presented in traditional research presentationsessions (featuring oral presentations 10-12 minutes in length), in high-density sessions(featuring brief oral presentations accompanied by a poster presentations), or in theconference's interactive plenary poster session (featuring poster presentations in aplenary session). See our call on pages 70 to 71 of the ICA call for papers.The mobile preconference, will take a new form in 2016. The preconference will be heldon Wed, 8 June 2016 at the f*ckuoka Art Museum (a short taxi ride from the Hilton). Thepreconference will explore the theme of "The All-Powerful Mobile" and will involve aseries of 'blue sky' workshops. Teams interested in leading a workshop will need tosubmit a proposal, between 500-800 words in length, that explains the following: (a) thetopic and its relationship to the preconference theme; (b) your goals for the workshop(i.e. what you want to get out of the experience); (c) any activities you plan for theworkshop and how you will involve conference participants; and (d) your team membersand how each will contribute to the workshop. The call for papers will be circulated soonand available on the Mobile Communication Interest Group's website. The deadline isDecember 1st. If you have questions about the workshop format or the suitability of anactivity, please email Colin Agur ( [emailprotected] ).This year, the doctoral consortium of the Communication and Technology (CAT) divisionwill be co-sponsored by the Mobile Communication Interest Group. The MobileCommunication Interest Group is proud to contribute to this highly successful tradition bycurating a section of the program, dedicated to doctoral work on mobile communication.PhD students working on mobile related subjects are encouraged to submit their work,which will be reviewed and discussed by experts from CAT and mobile communication.The call for papers for the doctoral consortium will be circulated this fall.

Finally, if you haven't done so already, we invite you to join the Mobile CommunicationInterest Group through the ICA website!

We are looking forward to seeing you at one of these many opportunities!

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (18)

Available Positions & Job Opportunities


Assistant Professor Organizational Communication

We invite applications for the position of Assistant Professor of Communication. Duties andResponsibilities: Teach undergraduate courses in organizational communication, training anddevelopment, and persuasion; and some combination of the following courses: professional writing andspeaking, negotiation and conflict resolution, global communication, and research methods.

Position requires excellence in teaching and advising, research and publication, and service to theDepartment, the College, and the University. Required Qualifications: Ph.D. in Communication Studiesor a communication-related field (completed no later than September 1, 2016). Previous teachingexperience. Demonstrated potential for continued scholarly research and publication. Demonstratedability to be responsive to the educational equity goals of the University and its increasing ethnicdiversity and international character. Date of Appointment: Fall 2016. First consideration will be given tocompleted applications received no later than January 8, 2016 and will continue until the position isfilled. EOE/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disability. An online application process will be used. To apply,please go directly to:http://www.cpp.edu/~class/open-positions/applications/com-organizational.shtml . For any a dditional inquiries or assistance, e-mail [emailprotected] .

STANFORD UNIVERSITYDepartment of Communication

Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, in Communication

The Department of Communication at Stanford University invites applications for a tenure-track facultyappointment in Communication focusing on the study of media and culture. We are interested in a rangeof possible subfields, including but not limited to new media's relationship to the representation ofindividual and collective identity; media and globalization; algorithm and platform studies; and theanalysis of media institutions as cultural forces. The ideal candidate will also bring strong methodologicalskills in areas that might include ethnography, critical theory, and textual/discourse analysis, or thedigital humanities.

The appointment will be made at the Assistant Professor rank. The successful applicant must hold aPhD in Communication or another relevant discipline by 1 September 2016. The successful candidatewill be expected to teach courses in Communication at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Applicants should apply online through Academic Jobs Online at:https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/5863

For full consideration, please submit a curriculum vitae, a cover letter outlining your qualifications andresearch interests, a teaching statement of up to three pages along with teaching evaluations, anarticle-length writing sample, and three letters of recommendation.

Review of applications will begin on 15 November 2015. The term of appointment will begin on 1September 2016.

For inquiries, please contact Fred Turner, Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication, [emailprotected] .

Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of itsfaculty. It welcomes nominations of, and applications from, women, members of minority groups,protected veterans and individuals with disabilities, as well as others who would bring additionaldimensions to the university's research, teaching, and clinical missions.

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (19)


We invite applications for a professorial position named in honour of one of Singapore's pioneer leadersEncik Yusof bin Ishak, whose exemplary and eminent public career was marked by his appointment asChairman of the Public Service Commission, Singapore (1959), Chancellor of the University ofSingapore (a predecessor institution to NUS), and as the first President of the Republic of Singapore(1965-1970). His professional tenure as a distinguished journalist and editor, his identity as a prominentpatron of the arts scene in Singapore, his membership of the 'Films Appeal Committee', the 'NatureReserves Committee' and the 'Malaynisation Commission' all reflect the depth and breadth of his criticaland impassioned engagement with key socio-cultural, economic and political issues in an emergingnation-state.

The Professorship honours his many contributions to Singapore, not least his deep interest in promotingharmonious race relations and sustaining a multiracial and multi-cultural nation. The endowedprofessorship, established in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the National University ofSingapore, will enable the university to attract and appoint leading social scientists who havedemonstrated excellence and an established international recognition.

The appointed candidate will assume stewardship for enhancing cutting edge research in one (or more)of the following fields of study: race, ethnicity and community studies and multiculturalism;communication and civic engagement; and studies of religion and religious diversity. In educating thenext generation of leaders, the candidate will play a role in generating knowledge that benefits aninclusive and progressive society.

The successful candidate should be a senior scholar with a strong international reputation in any aspectof the social sciences. The appointee should have a strong publication record (with evidence of acontinuing trajectory), extensive experience of teaching and student supervision, an internationallyrecognized research profile and a track record in securing research funding. He/She will be expected tocontribute to the teaching, research and leadership in the department in which he/she is appointed.

The successful candidate will have a primary appointment in one of the social sciences departmentsaccording to area of expertise. Appointment will be on a full-time tenured OR full-time contract ORfull-time visiting position. The professorship title will be for a period of up to three years. A competitiveremuneration package will be offered to the appointee.

The application dossier should include a letter of interest, full curriculum vitae, and the names andcontact details of six referees. There is no deadline for applications, which will be received until anappointment is made. Please send applications to:

Yusof Ishak Professor in Social Sciences Search Committee c/o Ms Amy TanResearch Division, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Block AS7 #06-20National University of Singapore5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570

Email applications are encouraged, they should be sent to Ms Amy Tan at [emailprotected]

For further enquiries, please contact: Professor Vineeta Sinha, Chair of Search Committee, [emailprotected]

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Media and Information

Tenure System Assistant Professor in Data Science and Health

The Department of Media and Information (M&I) at Michigan State University (MSU) invites applicationsfor a full-time, tenure system faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of dataanalytics with a strong interest in health, health IT, e-health, and/or m-health.

More details are available at http://cas.msu.edu/job/posting-1632/ . To apply, please visit the MichiganState University Employment Opportunities website ( https://jobs.msu.edu ), refer to Posting #1632,and complete an electronic submission. Review of applications will begin on 15 September 2015, andcontinue until the position is filled.

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (20)

continue until the position is filled.

MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellencethrough cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women,persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities.

OAKLAND UNIVERSITYDepartment of Communication and Journalism

Assistant Professor of Journalism

The Department of Communication and Journalism at Oakland University invites applications for atenure-track Assistant Professor position in Journalism with emphasis in Public Relations. The positionis designed to strengthen our growing PR minor within the Journalism Program; Successful candidateswill teach courses in the areas of Public Relations and Journalism, maintain an active research agenda,and provide leadership and service within the department, college, and university. To be considered, acandidate must hold a Ph.D. in journalism, communication, public relations or related area and havemultiple years of experience in their professional field.

To apply, please submit your letter of application, curriculum vitae or resume, cover letter and evidenceof teaching philosophy, and contact information for three professional references electronically at: https://jobs.oakland.edu/ https://jobs.oakland.edu/ by 7 November 2015, for full consideration.

Inquiries should be directed to Mrs. Holly Gilbert, Department of Communication and Journalism,Oakland University, 316 Wilson Hall, Rochester, MI 48309 or via email at: [emailprotected] .

Oakland University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applicationsfrom women and minorities.

DENISON UNIVERSITYDepartment of Communication

Assistant Professor, Cross-Cultural Communication

Denison University's Department of Communication invites applications for a tenure-track AssistantProfessor position, beginning August 2016. A Ph.D. with preferred specialty in Communication isrequired by that date. Teaching and research interests should address issues of intra/inter and/orcross-cultural communication with emphases on individual, group, social and institutional relationships,and identity. We seek candidates who employ global perspectives in teaching and scholarship. Denisonis committed to attracting and supporting an academically and culturally diverse faculty and providingwork and learning environments free from discrimination. See the diversity guide (http://denison.edu/forms/diversity-guide ). Candidates can upload required materials and find additionalinformation at ( https://employment.denison.edu ). Review of applications begin 1 October 2015.

CORNELL UNIVERSITYDepartment of Communication

Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions

Cornell University's Department of Communication announces two tenure-track Assistant ProfessorPositions: New Media and Society and Visual Aspects of Communication . For more information or toapply, click links. Review of applications begins 1 October 2015.

INDIANA UNIVERSITYMedia School in the College of Arts and Sciences

Poynter Chair / Center Director

The Media School in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington invitesapplications from outstanding scholars to fill the Poynter Chair in Media Ethics and serve as the directorof the Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions. Applicants are expected to hold

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (21)

a terminal degree (Ph.D., J.D., etc.) in a relevant discipline and have a demonstrated record ofexcellence in research and teaching consistent with holding an endowed professorship as a tenuredAssociate or Full Professor at IU Bloomington. To ensure full consideration, applications should besubmitted by 24 October 2015; however, applications will be considered until the position is filled. Completeinformation about this position may be found at http://indiana.peopleadmin.com/posting/1788 Questionsregarding the position or application process should be directed to: Tony Fargo, The Media School,Indiana University, 940 E. Seventh Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7108 or [emailprotected] Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and aprovider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment withoutregard to age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disabilitystatus or protected veteran status.

INDIANA UNIVERSITYMedia School in the College of Arts and Sciences

Uses and Impacts of Media

The Media School in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington invitesapplications from scholars (open rank) who examine uses and impacts of media. Areas of researchfocus may include traditional or emerging media, but ideally both. Applicants are expected to hold aPh.D. in Media Studies, Communication, or a related field. To ensure full consideration, applicationsshould be submitted by 24 October 2015; however, applications will be considered until the position isfilled. Complete information about this position may be found athttp://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/1787 Questions should be directed to: Rob Potter, The MediaSchool, Indiana University, 940 E. Seventh Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7108 or [emailprotected] Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and aprovider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment withoutregard to age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disabilitystatus or protected veteran status.

OHIO STATE UNIVERSITYSchool of Communication

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor


The School of Communication at The Ohio State University invites applications for an anticipatedtenure-track assistant professor position, commencing autumn semester 2016. The successfulcandidate's research and teaching will focus on the analysis of social media for strategic and/ororganizational communication, or their use in understanding mass communication or other technologies.Candidates should employ an empirical, social scientific research approach, and may ground theirresearch interests in any of a variety of focus areas of communication, such as health, political,interpersonal, mass communication, or communication technology. Depending on interests andexpertise, candidates may also contribute to the university's emerging programs in Data Analytics andother university initiatives, including the new undergraduate major in Data Analytics (https://data-analytics.osu.edu/ ) within the College of Arts and Sciences and the BehavioralDecision-Making Initiative ( https://bdm.osu.edu/ ).

This position is partially funded by Ohio State's Discovery Themes Initiative "Translational DataAnalytics" https://discovery.osu.edu/focus-areas/data-analytics/ which is assembling a critical massof scholars who apply data analytics to scientific problems across all disciplines. Therefore, candidateswho employ quantitative models and methods and who have experience working with large and/orcomplex data will receive preference in our deliberations.

The School of Communication ( http://www.comm.ohio-state.edu ) is committed to original andsubstantively important social scientific research, and is regularly ranked among the top communicationresearch programs in the country. We seek colleagues who will help us continue this tradition and canenvision research projects and courses that will be attractive to graduate and undergraduate studentsfrom within the major, and speak to the interests and needs of non-majors. We have recently renovateda number of research labs and teaching facilities to support quality research and teaching (

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (22)

a number of research labs and teaching facilities to support quality research and teaching (http://www.comm.ohio-state.edu/graduate-soc/research/research-space.html ). All of our tenure-trackpositions involve research, teaching, and a service component.


Candidates must be in communication or a related social science field. Successful candidates will havea Ph.D. or be on schedule to earn the Ph.D. prior to August 2016. Applicants should have ademonstrated record of publication in top-tier journals as well as evidence of effective teaching.Complementary research and teaching interests in other communication areas are highly attractive butnot essential. Appointment is contingent on the university's verification of credentials and otherinformation required by law and/or university policies, including but not limited to a criminal backgroundcheck.

About Columbus:

The Ohio State University campus is located in Columbus, the capital city of Ohio. Columbus is thecenter of a rapidly growing and diverse metropolitan area with a population of over 1.5 million. The areaoffers a wide range of affordable housing, many cultural and recreational opportunities, excellentschools, and a strong economy based on government as well as service, transportation and technologyindustries (see http://liveworkplaycolumbus.com/ ). Columbus has consistently been rated as one of theTop U.S. cities for quality of life, and was selected as one of the Top 10 cities for African Americans tolive, work, and play by Black Enterprise magazine. Additional information about the Columbus area isavailable at http://www.columbus.org .

Application Instructions:

To ensure full consideration, application materials should be received no later than 15 October 2015.Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates should submit acover letter, curriculum vita, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and at least one research manuscript.ABDs/post-docs should submit three letters of reference; those who hold a current tenure-track positionshould submit the names of three references to the relevant Ohio State University School ofCommunication posting at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/6061 . Please be aware that we areconducting two searches in 2015-2016. Be certain to select the specific position(s) in which you areinterested. Informal queries may be made to the chair of the search committee, Dr. Amy Nathanson ([emailprotected] ), but all applications must be made through www.academicjobsonline.org .Additional information about the School and the University is available athttp://www.comm.ohio-state.edu .

The Ohio State University is committed to establishing a culturally and intellectually diverseenvironment, encouraging all members of our learning community to reach their full potential. We areresponsive to dual-career families and strongly promote work-life balance to support our communitymembers through a suite of institutionalized policies. We are an NSF Advance Institution and a memberof the Ohio/Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC).

The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receiveconsideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity,national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status.

OHIO STATE UNIVERSITYSchool of Communication

Tenure Track Assistant Professor


The School of Communication at The Ohio State University invites applications for an anticipatedtenure-track assistant professor position, commencing autumn semester 2016. The successfulcandidate's research and teaching will focus on strategic communication, grounded in organizational,public, or mass communication (including advertising). Candidates should employ an empirical, socialscientific research approach, and may have research interests in any of a variety of contextual areas ofcommunication, such as health, political, interpersonal, or communication technology.

The School of Communication ( http://www.comm.ohio-state.edu ) is committed to original and

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substantively important social scientific research, and is regularly ranked among the top communicationresearch programs in the country. We seek colleagues who will help us continue this tradition and canenvision research projects and courses that will be attractive to graduate and undergraduate studentsfrom within the major, and speak to the interests and needs of non-majors. We have recently renovateda number of research labs and teaching facilities to support quality research and teaching (http://www.comm.ohio-state.edu/graduate-soc/research/research-space.html ). All of our tenure-trackpositions involve research, teaching, and a service component.


Candidates must be in communication or a related social science field. Successful candidates will havea Ph.D. or be on schedule to earn the Ph.D. prior to August 2016. Applicants should have ademonstrated record of publication in top-tier journals as well as evidence of effective teaching. We areopen to the person in this position teaching a cluster of courses that could include combinations of ourstrategic communication courses and a graduate level course in her/his area. Complementary researchand teaching interests in other communication areas are highly attractive but not essential. Appointmentis contingent on the university's verification of credentials and other information required by law and/oruniversity policies, including but not limited to a criminal background check.

About Columbus:

The Ohio State University campus is located in Columbus, the capital city of Ohio. Columbus is thecenter of a rapidly growing and diverse metropolitan area with a population of over 1.5 million. The areaoffers a wide range of affordable housing, many cultural and recreational opportunities, excellentschools, and a strong economy based on government as well as service, transportation and technologyindustries (see http://liveworkplaycolumbus.com/ ). Columbus has consistently been rated as one of theTop U.S. cities for quality of life, and was selected as one of the Top 10 cities for African Americans tolive, work, and play by Black Enterprise magazine. Additional information about the Columbus area isavailable at http://www.columbus.org .

Application Instructions:

To ensure full consideration, application materials should be received no later than 15 October 2015.Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates should submit acover letter, curriculum vita, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and at least one research manuscript.ABDs/post-docs should submit three letters of reference; those who hold a current tenure-track positionshould submit the names of three references to the relevant Ohio State University School ofCommunication posting at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/6063 . Please be aware that we areconducting two searches in 2015-2016. Be certain to select the specific position(s) in which you areinterested. Informal queries may be made to the chair of the search committee, Dr. Amy Nathanson ([emailprotected] ), but all applications must be made through www.academicjobsonline.org.Additional information about the School and the University is available athttp://www.comm.ohio-state.edu .

The Ohio State University is committed to establishing a culturally and intellectually diverseenvironment, encouraging all members of our learning community to reach their full potential. We areresponsive to dual-career families and strongly promote work-life balance to support our communitymembers through a suite of institutionalized policies. We are an NSF Advance Institution and a memberof the Ohio/Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC).

The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receiveconsideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity,national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status.


Two Tenure Track Hires - Assistant Professor

The Department of Radio/TV/Film in the School of Communication at Northwestern University is seekingtwo tenure-track hires at the rank of Assistant Professor, in Sound Media and in Media Industry Studies.We seek candidates who will contribute to research and teaching that supports our undergraduate

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curriculum, our professional masters programs, and the PhD program in Screen Cultures.

1) Sound Media. Preferred areas of specialization include sound studies, radio studies, podcasting,and new forms of audio storytelling. In addition, the candidate will contribute to the MA program inSound Arts and Industries.

2) Media Industry Studies. Preferred areas of specialization include the organization, culture, andpractices of contemporary media industries: film, television, radio and podcasting, music, gaming,and/or social media. In addition, the candidate will contribute to the MS program in Leadership inCreative Enterprises.

For both positions, we welcome historical and theoretical approaches, a commitment to interdisciplinaryresearch, global perspectives, and industry experience. Appointment starts 1 September 2016.Candidates should have a PhD by start date.

For full consideration, please send your application letter, curriculum vitae, a writing sample, evidence ofteaching effectiveness, and three letters of recommendation by October 14, 2015. Review of candidateswill begin at that time, and continue until the positions are filled.

Send your materials to:Media Industry Studies Searchc/o Michelle YamadaDepartment of Radio/TV/FilmNorthwestern University1920 Campus Drive 2nd FloorEvanston, IL 60208

OR : Sound Studies Searchc/o Michelle YamadaDepartment of Radio/TV/FilmNorthwestern University1920 Campus Drive 2nd FloorEvanston, IL 60208

Northwestern University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minoritiesare encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.

MARQUETTE UNIVERSITYCollege of Communication

Dean of J. William and Mary Diederich

Marquette University, a private, coeducational, Catholic, Jesuit institution in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,seeks a collaborative and visionary leader to serve as the Dean of J. William and Mary DiederichCollege of Communication. The new dean will partner with talented faculty, students, staff, alumni, andthe broader Marquette and Milwaukee community to articulate the college's collective identity and raiseits visibility both within the university and throughout the broader community. Candidates shouldembrace the values of Catholic, Jesuit higher education and people from all religious backgrounds areencouraged to apply.

Marquette University stands at a notable crossroads in its history and is poised for an exciting trajectoryin the coming years. Dr. Michael Lovell took office as Marquette's 24th President in July, 2014. A newProvost, Dr. Daniel Myers, also joined the leadership team, with his official first day on 1 July 2015. Astrategic plan, Beyond Boundaries: Setting the Course for Marquette's Future, was approved by theBoard of Trustees in 2013.

The Diederich College of Communication combines a unique blend of disciplines and programsorganized in four departments: Communication Studies, Digital Media and Performing Arts, Journalismand Media Studies, and Strategic Communication. In May 2005, the Bill and Mary Diederich gave $28million, the largest individual gift in the college's history, to establish the college as one of the nation'stop communication schools. This remarkable gift not only enhanced the College of Communication'snational reputation but has allowed for enhancements in technology, curriculum, and the student experience.

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The next dean has the opportunity to celebrate further the individual departments and programs whilefurther integrating the college into one with a clear and compelling mission and identity. In particular, thedean will be instrumental in advancing Marquette University as a highly ranked destination university,renowned for academic rigor, innovation, and the achievements of its community of scholars, and infurther connecting the university with the community of Milwaukee and beyond.

The next dean will face a set of opportunities and challenges that include: Creating an ambitious shared sense of purpose, identity, and vision;Raising the visibility and brand of the Diederich College both within the university and externally;Recruiting and developing a diverse faculty, staff, and student body;Creating processes and structures to facilitate greater communication, transparency, and community;Fostering opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration; andGenerating new revenue including ambitious fundraising.

Marquette University has retained Isaacson, Miller, a national executive search firm, to assist in thissearch. Screening of complete applications will begin immediately and continue until the completion ofthe search process/until the position is filled. For more details, including the full position profile and tosubmit inquiries, nominations, referrals, and applications, please see the Isaacson, Miller website for thesearch: www.imsearch.com/5504 . Electronic submission of materials is required.

Julie Filizetti and Sabrina SinghIsaacson, Miller1000 Sansome StreetSan Francisco, CA 94111Phone: 415.655.4911Fax: 415.655.4905

Marquette University affirms its longstanding commitment to the principle of equal employmentopportunity regardless of race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, veteran's statusor national origin. Marquette affirms its commitment to the principle of affirmative action and itscommitment to abide by state regulations and federal laws pertaining to equal employment opportunity.To learn more, see http://www.marquette.edu/mission/prospective_plan.shtml .

Apply Here: http://www.Click2Apply.net/77ngyjdwjp

COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITYCommunication Studies Department

Assistant Professor of Media and Visual Culture

The Department of Communication Studies at Colorado State University seeks an assistant professorcommitted to communication studies and who extends our research and teaching in the area of rhetoricand civic engagement. We encourage applications from scholars in rhetorical theory. This is anentry-level, tenure-track, nine-month appointment which starts 16 August 2016. For full positionannouncement see http://jobs.colostate.edu/postings/17686 . For questions regarding the position,contact [emailprotected] . Apply on-line at https://jobs.colostate.edu/hr/login . Reflectingdepartmental and institutional values, candidates are expected to have the ability to advance theDepartment's commitment to diversity and inclusion. CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer and conductsbackground checks on all final candidates.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARADepartment of CommunicationTenure-Track Faculty Position

The Department of Communication invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the area ofinterpersonal and/or intergroup communication. The search is at the level of Assistant Professor, with ananticipated start date of 1 July 2016. Candidates should be ABD (with a degree expected by June 2016)or have a Ph.D. preferably in communication, have a strong social science background, and a record ofpublishing innovative scientific research. Applicants with research and teaching expertise in traditional ornew areas of interpersonal/intergroup communication are encouraged to apply.

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Applicants should submit a cover letter highlighting qualifications, a curriculum vitae, evidence ofteaching effectiveness, three letters of recommendation, and three publications to the appropriatesections of the job search website: https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/apply/JPF00548 . Questions should bedirected to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Howie Giles, at [emailprotected] or at 805-893-2055.This position will remain open until filled. For primary consideration all application materials, includingreference letters, must be received by 30 October 2015.

The Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellenceof the academic community through research, teaching and service. The University of California is anEqual Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration foremployment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationalorigin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.


Tenure-Track /Tenured Open Rank Faculty Position

The Department of Communication invites applications for a tenure-track/tenured open rank facultyposition in the area of organizational communication with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2016.Candidates should have a Ph.D. in communication or a related field and a strong social sciencebackground with a record of publishing innovative, empirical research. We seek candidates who cancomplement and/or add to current research strengths of the department in areas such as social anddigital media, teams, knowledge management, social networks, health- related organizations,organizational technologies, alternative forms of organizing, diversity, workplace membership andrelationships, ethics and social responsibility, global organizations, and other contemporary issues.Candidates will be expected to teach courses at undergraduate and graduate levels and be active inprofessional and campus service.

Applicants should submit a cover letter highlighting qualifications, a curriculum vita, and evidence ofteaching effectiveness, three publications, and the names of three references along with contactinformation to the appropriate section of the job search website: https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/apply/JPF00549 https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/apply/JPF00549 . Questions should be directed to the Search CommitteeChair, Dr. Cynthia Stohl, at [emailprotected] or 805-893-7918. This position will remain openuntil filled. For primary consideration all application materials, including reference letters, must bereceived by 30 October 2015.

The Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellenceof the academic community through research, teaching and service. The University of California is anEqual Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration foremployment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationalorigin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law

KENT UNIVERSITYSchool of Communication Studies

Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professors

Kent State University School of Communication Studies seeks a director and two tenure-track assistantprofessors. Kent State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and committed to adiverse community. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Details: jobs.kent.edu.

UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHARLOTTEDepartment of Communication StudiesAssistant Professor, Public Relations

The Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, invitesapplications for a tenure-track position in Public Relations at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning15 August 2016. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in Communication Studies or a related areathat provides a thorough grounding in public relations theory, research, and practice; the ability to teach

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that provides a thorough grounding in public relations theory, research, and practice; the ability to teacha range of undergraduate and graduate courses in public relations to a diverse student population; andthe potential for a strong research agenda. Desired qualifications include practitioner experience; ademonstrated potential for leadership in the discipline and profession; and interest in international publicrelations.

Candidates will conduct research and teach B.A. and M.A. students in the Department ofCommunication Studies. Candidates are expected to maintain a strong record of research andprofessional activity consistent with Ph.D.-granting academic programs and showcase evidence of acommitment to promote diversity as a value in the department, college, and university.

Review of applications will begin 15 October 2015 and continue until the position is filled. TheDepartment of Communication Studies (www.communication.uncc.edu) has 26 full-time faculty withareas of emphasis in Health Communication, Media Studies, Organizational Communication, PublicRelations, and Rhetoric. The department serves approximately 1100 majors and 30 M.A. students. Thedepartment's primary mission is to provide high quality instruction to its undergraduate and graduatestudents, and to contribute significantly to the understanding of communication issues as they affectpeople's lives, especially in the Charlotte metropolitan region. Through its teaching, scholarship andservice the department is committed to serving diverse populations.

As the largest college at UNC Charlotte, the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences houses 20 departmentsin the humanities, social sciences, physical sciences and military sciences, as well as 24 appliedresearch centers and interdisciplinary programs. It offers eight doctoral degrees, 34 master's degreesand graduate certificates and 34 undergraduate degrees. UNC Charlotte is North Carolina's urbanresearch university and has an enrollment of approximately 28,000 undergraduate and graduatestudents. UNC Charlotte is located in the state's largest metropolitan area and is among the fastestgrowing universities in the UNC system. Charlotte is ranked by numerous publications as one the bestplaces to live in the U.S. and over a million people reside within Charlotte's borders, approximately 2million within the metro area, and 7 million within a 100-mile radius. Charlotte is home to 292 of the topFortune 500 companies and more than 340 foreign firms. Financial experts know Charlotte as thenation's second largest banking center. Applications are taken on-line at http://jobs.uncc.edu, position #005315

To apply for the position, please forward a cover letter responding to the qualifications listed above, acurrent CV, evidence of teaching excellence, and official or unofficial graduate transcripts. Three lettersof recommendation should be sent to: Dr. Richard Leeman, Chair, Department of CommunicationStudies, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223-0001or to [emailprotected].

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is an EOE/AA employer and an ADVANCE Institution thatstrives to create an academic climate in which the dignity of all individuals is respected and maintained.Therefore, we celebrate diversity that includes, but is not limited to ability/disability, age, culture,ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. Currently thisinstitution does not offer same-sex or domestic partnership benefits to its employees. Applicants aresubject to criminal background check.

BOISE STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Communicaiton

Four Tenure-line Positions

The Department of Communication at Boise State University announces four tenure-line positions:

Assistant Professor in Journalism & Media Studies apply.interfolio.com/30709Assistant Professor in Media Production & Media Studies apply.interfolio.com/30697Assistant or Associate Professor in Relational-Organizational Communication apply.interfolio.com/30752Department Head apply.interfolio.com/30729


Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Accounting

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UNC Asheville's Department of Mass Communication invites applications for a full-time tenure-trackassistant professor position to begin in Fall 2016. Applicants with experience at an institution focused onthe liberal arts and who have the ability and passion to teach and mentor undergraduates areencouraged to apply. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled.See full ad at https://jobs.unca.edu/

GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERISTYSchool of Media and Public Affairs

Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Political Communication

The School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University invites applications for atenure-track assistant professor position. We seek scholars with a strong research profile ordemonstrated scholarly potential and teaching interests in political communication with a focus on oneor more of the following areas: election campaigns, new media, networked advocacy, and strategiccommunication. Basic Qualifications: Applicants must have: a Ph.D. in field related to media and publicaffairs such as political science, communication, sociology or closely related field; ABDs will beconsidered but must complete all requirements for the PhD by the date of appointment. Applicants mustalso have: potential to establish a sustained program of academic research resulting in a strongpublication record as evidenced by scholarly publications, works in progress, or letters ofrecommendation; potential for teaching excellence as demonstrated by teaching evaluations, letters orresearch presentations; and an ability to teach strategic communication in the Master's program andquantitative research methods.

Interested individuals should complete an online faculty application athttp://www.gwu.jobs/postings/29072 and upload a cover letter, curriculum vita, sample publications (orworks in progress), a statement of current and future research interests, a statement of teachingphilosophy. Three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to Robert Entman, Chair of theSearch Committee, School of Media and Public Affairs, 805 21st Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC20052. Review of applications will begin on 20 October 2015 and will continue until the position is filled.Only complete applications will be considered. This position is pending final budgetary approval.Employment offers are contingent on the satisfactory outcome of a standard background screening. TheGeorge Washington University is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer thatdoes not unlawfully discriminate in any of its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, religion,sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, oron any other basis prohibited by applicable law.

PURDUE UNIVERSITYCollege of Liberal Arts

Advanced Methodologies Cluster Hire

The Departments of Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, and the Brian Lamb School ofCommunication in the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University (CLA) (http://www.cla.purdue.edu/)are conducting a cluster hire with the College of Health and Human Sciences for three positions in eachcollege at the Assistant or Associate Professor ranks, starting Fall of 2016 to expand campus-wideexpertise in social, behavioral, and health science statistics and research methodology https://www.cla.purdue.edu/research/clusterhire/index.htmlhttps://www.cla.purdue.edu/research/clusterhire/index.html.

The successful candidates for these positions will be expected to contribute to the research andteaching programs of their home departments, to collaborate in extramurally-funded research andcontribute to an anticipated shared graduate training platform in advanced quantitative and qualitativemethodologies.

Successful candidates for the CLA positions should have a Ph.D. in a social science discipline in theCLA cluster, a strong research program, publication record, and the potential for mentoring studentsand teaching methods courses. We are interested in candidates with a substantive area of research andwho have demonstrated expertise in innovative quantitative or qualitative techniques. We welcomeapplicants with expertise in the analysis of large or untraditional data, experimental design and causalinference, textual analysis, and network analysis, among other areas.

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A background check will be required for employment in this position. Reviewing of applicationswill begin on 1 November 2015, and continue until the positions are filled. Please send a letteroutlining qualifications, vita, research and teaching, a writing sample, and the names of threereferences via email in PDF format to: [emailprotected]. Questions may be directed toProfessor James A. McCann, CLA Cluster Hire Search Chair, Department of Political Science,Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907 ([emailprotected]).

Purdue University is an EEO/AA employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce. Allindividuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans areencouraged to apply.

UNIVERSITY OF UTAHDepartment of Communication

Tenure Track, Assistant Professor in Organizational/Interpersonal Communication

The Department of Communication at the University of Utah invites applications for a tenure-trackassistant professor position in Interpersonal and/or Organizational Communication, effective 1 July 2016.Scholarship that complements the Department's existing areas of emphasis is desirable but not arequirement. Highly qualified candidates will have a Ph.D. (ABD applicants will be considered) incommunication or in a closely related discipline, evidence of research productivity, potential for obtaininggrants, and a record of teaching competence. Candidates should have demonstrated the ability tosupport undergraduate and graduate curriculum in organizational and/or interpersonal communicationwith the expectation of assuming a future leadership role. The ability to contribute to the undergraduatestrategic communication sequence is desirable. Responsibilities will include developing a program ofresearch, teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels, supervising graduate work, and performingservice at the departmental and university level.

Applicants should submit a letter of application that highlights scholarly activities; curriculum vitae; onerecent peer-reviewed publication, if available; and names of and contact information for threereferences. To apply click on the following link http://utah.peopleadmin.com/postings/44943 . Questionsabout the position may be directed to Professor James A. Anderson, Search Committee Chair, [emailprotected]. Formal review of applications will begin on October 15, 2015, and continueuntil the position is filled. Starting date is 1 July 2016.

The Department of Communication has a long and distinguished tradition of excellence in graduateeducation. Our nationally acclaimed graduate program is the driving force of our department. As anintegrated communication department, we provide training across a range of areas, with particularstrengths in the following areas: Organizational/Interpersonal Communication; Media andCommunication Technology; Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk; Rhetoric; andCritical/Cultural Studies. For more information about the Department, its faculty and programs, pleasesee our website at http:/communication.utah.edu/ The Department is committed to removing barriers thathave been traditionally encountered by individuals from underrepresented groups; strives to recruitfaculty who will further enhance our diversity; and makes every attempt to support their academic,professional and personal success while they are here. The University of Utah recognizes that a diversefaculty benefits and enriches the educational experiences of the entire campus and greater community.Full benefits are available to same-sex and opposite-sex domestic partners.

The University of Utah is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and does not discriminatebased upon race, national origin, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression,status as a person with a disability, genetic information, or Protected Veteran status. Individuals fromhistorically underrepresented groups, such as minorities, women, qualified persons with disabilities andprotected veterans are encouraged to apply. Veterans' preference is extended to qualified applicants,upon request and consistent with University policy and Utah state law. Upon request, reasonableaccommodations in the application process will be provided to individuals with disabilities. To inquireabout the University's nondiscrimination or affirmative action policies or to request disabilityaccommodation, please contact: Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, 201 S.Presidents Circle, Rm 135, (801) 581-8365.

The University of Utah values candidates who have experience working in settings with students fromdiverse backgrounds, and possess a strong commitment to improving access to higher education for

What's Inside· Stephen Croucher, Intercultural Communication, U of Jyvaskyla Ascan F. Koerner, Interpersonal ... a CV, contact information for three references who are scholars - [PDF Document] (30)

historically underrepresented students.

UNIVERSITY OF UTAHDepartment of Communication

Tenure-track Assistant Professor

The University of Utah's Department of Communication, located in the College of Humanities, seeksapplications for a tenure-track assistant professor in science, health, environmental, and/or riskcommunication (CommSHER). The successful candidate will have an outstanding research record inCommSHER that contributes to the Department's Science, Health, Environment and RiskCommunication core research area and will ideally focus on issues that have profound ethical, legal, andsocial implications. The candidate will teach courses in CommSHER in the college's largestundergraduate major. The candidate will also advise Masters and Ph.D. students and teach graduatelevel courses in their area of expertise in the department's highly-ranked graduate program incommunication. The successful candidate will be willing to work in interdisciplinary settings, takingadvantage of resources such as the Global Change and Sustainability Center and the EnvironmentalHumanities program, among others. Qualified applicants will have a Ph.D. in Communication (A.B.D.candidates will be considered) or in a closely related discipline or interdisciplinary program; an activeresearch program leading to publication; potential for success in grant acquisition; a record of ordemonstrated potential for teaching excellence; and a willingness to conduct administrative servicedepartmentally and on campus. Scholarship that complements the Department's existing areas ofemphasis is desirable but not a requirement.

Formal review of applications will begin on 15 October 2015, and continue until the position is filled.Applicants must submit a cover letter highlighting scholarly activities; a vita; a writing sample; evidenceof teaching excellence; and a list of three references. To apply click on the following linkhttp://utah.peopleadmin.com/postings/44947. Questions about the position may be directed to JakobJensen, Search Committee Chair, at [emailprotected].

The University of Utah is a member of the Pac 12. The Department of Communication has a long anddistinguished tradition of excellence in graduate education. Our nationally acclaimed graduate programis the driving force of our department. As an integrated communication department, we provide trainingacross a range of areas, with particular strengths in the following areas: Media and CommunicationTechnology; Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk (CommSHER); Rhetoric;Critical/Cultural Studies; and Organizational/Interpersonal Communication.

The Department is committed to removing barriers that have been traditionally encountered byindividuals from underrepresented groups; strives to recruit faculty who will further enhance ourdiversity; and makes every attempt to support their academic, professional and personal success whilethey are here. The University of Utah recognizes that a diverse faculty benefits and enriches theeducational experiences of the entire campus and greater community. Full benefits are available tosame-sex and opposite-sex domestic partners.

EEO/Diversity InformationThe University of Utah is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and does not discriminatebased upon race, national origin, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression,status as a person with a disability, genetic information, or Protected Veteran status. Individuals fromhistorically underrepresented groups, such as minorities, women, qualified persons with disabilities andprotected veterans are encouraged to apply. Veterans' preference is extended to qualified applicants,upon request and consistent with University policy and Utah state law. Upon request, reasonableaccommodations in the application process will be provided to individuals with disabilities. To inquireabout the University's nondiscrimination or affirmative action policies or to request disabilityaccommodation, please contact: Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, 201 S.Presidents Circle, Rm 135, (801) 581-8365.

The University of Utah values candidates who have experience working in settings with students fromdiverse backgrounds, and possess a strong commitment to improving access to higher education forhistorically underrepresented students.


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NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYDepartment of Communication Studies

Teams and Organizations; Media Industries; and Computation and Communication

The Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University seeks to hire for three facultymembers in the areas of Teams and Organizations; Media Industries; and Computation andCommunication. Candidates should apply for only one of these positions. The appointments will beginon 1 September 2016. The successful candidates will be expected to develop a strong program ofscholarly research; contribute directly to undergraduate and graduate instruction in the department; andperform service. Salary will be commensurate with experience.

The Department of Communication Studies supports a popular undergraduate major, and graduateprograms in Media, Technology, and Society, and Rhetoric and Public Culture, as well as aninterdisciplinary graduate program in Technology and Social Behavior (https://www.communication.northwestern.edu/departments/communicationstudies/programs.phphttps://www.communication.northwestern.edu/departments/communicationstudies/programs.php).Through special resources for research support and scholarly event programming, the department isable to offer rich opportunities for scholarly development. School of Communication faculty also canhave opportunities during their career at Northwestern to teach and conduct research at theNorthwestern University campus in Doha, Qatar.

a. Teams and Organizations (Search No. 26378)Assistant or Associate Professor position for candidates with an interest in teams and organizations. Weare particularly interested in candidates with expertise in team dynamics, collaboration and collaborationtechnologies, and managing innovative team designs (i.e., ad hoc teams, globally distributed teams,multiteam systems). In addition, we are interested in candidates who will complement the department'sexisting expertise in technology-enabled organizational forms and networks. In addition to generalresearch, teaching and service expectations stated above, the successful candidate will also beexpected to play a substantive role in the Master of Science in Communication program(msc.northwestern.edu). Review of applications will begin on 15 October 2015 and will continue to beaccepted until the position is filled. Candidates should send a letter of application, CV, publicationsamples, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three letters of reference to Professor MichelleShumate, at [emailprotected]. Search Chair: Michelle Shumate,Department of Communication Studies, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL60208, USA.

b. Media Industries (Search No. 26377)Assistant, Associate or Full Professor position for candidates with an interest in media industries. Areasof expertise include but are not limited to: digital media uses; media institutions; social media; big data;the production, distribution, exhibition, and consumption of media arts and culture; advertising andmarketing; music, podcasting and sound; gaming and entertainment; entrepreneurship and innovation;regulation and policy; and media history. In addition to general research, teaching and serviceexpectations stated above, the successful candidate will also be expected to play a substantive role inthe development of the Master of Science in Leadership for Creative Enterprises program(creative.northwestern.edu). Relevant work experience in the creative sector is preferred. Review ofapplications will begin on 15 October 2015, and will continue until the position is filled. Candidates shouldsend a letter of application, CV, publication samples, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and threeletters of reference to Professor Pablo J. Boczkowski, at [emailprotected] Chair: Pablo J. Boczkowski, Department of Communication Studies, Northwestern University,2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208, USA.

c. Computation and Communication (Search No. 26439)Assistant or Associate Professor Position for candidates with an interest in computation andcommunication. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in areas of human-computerinteraction, social computing, social media, collective intelligence, crowdsourcing, and onlinecollaboration. In addition, we are interested in candidates who will complement the department's existinginterdisciplinary ties in areas of computation, social behavior, technology, and design. In addition togeneral research, teaching and service expectations stated above, the successful candidate will also beexpected to develop a strong program of scholarly and innovative research with potential to attractexternal funding. Review of applications will begin 1 November 2015 and applications will continue to beaccepted until the position is filled. Candidates should send a letter of application, CV, publication

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samples, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three letters of reference to Professor Darren Gergle, [emailprotected]. Search Chair: Darren Gergle, Department ofCommunication Studies, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208, USA.

Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Hiring iscontingent on eligibility to work in the United States.

UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKYCollege of Communication

Information Assistant Professor (2 positions)

Position Title: Assistant Professor (2 positions available), Information Communication Technology

Job Description: Academic year appointment, tenure-track position with responsibilities for teaching,advising, maintenance of personal research program, participation in professional activities, and servingon university committees. This position will be part of a new program offering both undergraduate andgraduate (Master's) degrees in ICT, housed in the School of Information Science (http://ci.uky.edu/sis/),in conjunction with other faculties within the College of Communication and Information, a member ofthe iSchool consortium. Candidates will be expected to teach at both graduate and undergraduate levels.Opportunities exist to work with doctoral students in the College and to shape the evolution of anexciting new degree program.

Qualifications: Requires an earned doctorate (or ABD status) in information communicationtechnology, instructional communication, learning technologies, educational technologies, informationscience, informatics, or a related field.

Teaching and research responsibilities include one or more areas in information communicationtechnology such as social computing, social informatics, information studies, information science,instructional communication. Preference will be given to candidates with an information communicationtechnology background and an interest in training and instruction in applied settings.

The University of Kentucky is the flagship campus in the state, situated in greater Lexington (population300,000), in the beautiful Bluegrass region of horse farms and rolling hills. Founded in 1865, UK is apublic, research-extensive, land grant Institution, ranked among the top U.S. public universities on anumber of criteria, with special strength in the health sciences. The School is part of the College ofCommunication and Information, which includes the Department of Communication, School ofJournalism and Telecommunications, Department of Integrated Strategic Communication, and GraduateProgram in Communication.

Faculty positions are for nine months with possible opportunities for summer teaching. Salaries arecompetitive with those in other disciplines, and commensurate with qualifications and level ofappointment. Benefits include participation in TIAA/CREF, employer-funded health insurance, and tuitionassistance for employees, partners and dependents. For additional information, please seehttp://www.uky.edu/HR/benefits/ .

To be considered, you must apply at http://ukjobs.uky.edu/postings/79664.

For questions about the position, please contact:Dr. Jeffrey Huber, DirectorSchool of Information [emailprotected]

Review process will begin 1 December 2015 and will continue until both positions are filled. Expectedstarting date is 1 August 2016. Position pending budget approval. Application and nomination of minoritycandidates are strongly encouraged. The University's commitment to diversity is discussed athttp://www.uky.edu/Diversity/. The University of Kentucky is An Equal Opportunity Employer.


Assistant Professor of Advertising and Public Relations (Tenure Track)

The School of Communications at Grand Valley State University seeks candidates for two full-time

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tenure-track appointments as Assistant Professor in the area of Advertising and Public Relations, to startin August, 2016. The School of Communications, located in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,places a premium on intellectual leadership, creative vision, and commitment to the integration of liberaland professional education.

A Master's degree in Public Relations or a related field with significant professional experience and arecord of accomplishments as Advertising and/or Public Relations professional is required. A doctoraldegree in Advertising, Public Relations, Communications or related field is preferred (ABD will beconsidered, with expectations of degree completion by August 2017). Demonstrated excellence inteaching at the university level is preferred. In addition to these qualifications, preference will be given tocandidates who demonstrate active involvement in professional and/or academic associations.

The successful candidates will teach courses in advertising and/or public relations, including research,fundamentals, cases, campaigns, media planning, copywriting, media relations and corporatecommunications. The candidate chosen for this position will also have the opportunity to be involvedwith an active PRSSA chapter and Advertising Club. This faculty member will teach a 3/3 load, adviseand mentor students, and actively engage in creative/scholarly and service activities. Candidate mustdemonstrate commitment to interdisciplinary and collaborative outreach, collegiality, and liberal education.

Apply online at www.gvsujobs.org . Include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts,examples of recent work, teaching evaluations (if available), statement of teaching philosophy, and a listof at least three references. The online system will allow you to attach documents electronically. If youhave questions or need assistance, call Human Resources at 616-331-2215.

Review of candidates will begin 1 October 2015 and application materials must be received no laterthan 1 November 2015.

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution For more information about Grand Valley, see ourwebsite at www.gvsu.edu TDD Callers: Call Michigan Relay Center at 1-800-649-3777


Assistant Professor


The Department of Communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst seeks to hire a tenuretrack Assistant Professor with a demonstrated record of excellence in research in communication, mediastudies, and/or information technologies using a computational social science approach. The positionwill begin 1 September 2016 and will include responsibilities for teaching and supervision at theundergraduate and graduate levels. For the full position announcement including required qualificationsand application instructions, please visit:http://umass.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=64055 .

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer ofwomen, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities and encourages applicationsfrom these and other protected group members.


Seeking Senior Professor

The USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism is seeking a senior Professor who is aleading scholar in the area of communication networks and their role in society, organizations, andgroups. We seek a colleague whose scholarship will expand our theoretical knowledge ofcommunication networks, whose research will lead to important insights into communication networkprocesses, and whose teaching will enlighten and inspire our undergraduate and graduate students. Theideal candidate must have a Ph.D. in communication or related field. We also place high value on workthat addresses important societal issues and has practical real world applications.

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As the network society has become increasingly interconnected, both physically and electronically, thestudy of network science in general and communication networks in particular have increaseddramatically. Communication networks are an integral part of almost all facets of contemporary lifeincluding teams and groups, organizations and institutions, and the global political economy. Thesenetworks increasingly connect diverse and global constituencies that differ in terms of gender, class,race, ethnicity, national origin and other differences. We seek a colleague whose academic careerdemonstrates an interest in a broad array of topics in connectivity including the semantic World WideWeb, social and enterprise social networks , collaboration networks, team networks, social networksand political mobilizing, network equality, and new forms of the network society such as crowd sourcing.Candidates should have competencies in robust qualitative and quantitative network analysis techniquesfor examining big network data from a wide diversity of communication networks.

The successful candidate will serve as a director of the Annenberg Networks Network (ANN) a researchcenter at the Annenberg School that focuses on network theory and research. This scholar will also beaffiliated with the Annenberg Institute for Diversity and Empowerment in order to explore the intersectionof communication networks and diversity. The new colleague will also be expected to engage with andfoster partnerships between the School of Communication and other organizations.

About the Annenberg School for Communication and JournalismThe USC Annenberg School was established in 1979 with a gift from US Ambassador WalterAnnenberg. It was expanded to include programs in Journalism and Communication Arts and Sciencesin 1994, and has continued to grow to its current size of 95 full-time faculty, 100 adjunct faculty, and 175staff, with the support of $182 million in gifts from the Annenberg Foundation. We have recently openeda new 85,000 square foot building, made possible by an additional $50 million gift from WallisAnnenberg. The Annenberg School has a combined undergraduate and graduate enrollment of 2200.

Applicants,In order to be considered for this position, all candidates must apply via the USC Employee RecruitmentServices website at the following link: http://jobs.usc.edu/postings/53955 . Submission materials shouldinclude a cover letter, curriculum vitae, samples of recent refereed publications and the names of threereferences. Final candidates will be requested to submit three (3) letters of recommendation. The coverletter should be addressed to School of Communication Faculty Search, attention Billie Shotlow,Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California, 3502 Watt Way, Suite 305, LosAngeles, CA 90089-0281. Applicants may direct questions to Billie Shotlow: [emailprotected] or(213-821-2718). Materials submitted by regular mail will not be accepted. Review of applications willcommence on 15 October 2015 and continue until the position is filled or the search closed.

USC is an equal-opportunity educator and employer, proudly pluralistic and firmly committed to providingequal opportunity for outstanding persons of every race, gender, creed and background. The Universityparticularly encourages members of underrepresented groups, veterans and individuals with disabilitiesto apply. USC will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilitiesunless doing so would result in an undue hardship. Further information regarding accommodations isavailable by contacting [emailprotected] .


Seeking an Associate or Full Professor

The School of Communication at USC's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism isseeking an Associate or Full Professor who is a leading scholar in the area of community and civicengagement, especially in urban environments. The ideal candidate will have an established record ofscholarship and research in the area of community and communication technology with an emphasisupon diverse communities and communication policy applications, with a PhD in communication orrelated field. We seek a colleague whose scholarship will expand our theoretical knowledge ofcommunity engagement, whose research will lead to important insights into new ways to integrate civicengagement and policy. We also place high value on work and empirical research that addressesimportant societal issues and has practical real world applications.

Our ideal candidate will have teaching experience in courses addressing multi-method field researchand the social aspects of both communication and journalism. The successful applicant will be expected

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to teach courses in both The School of Communication and in The School of Journalism, the twoschools that constitute The Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. In particular, we seeka colleague whose academic career demonstrates an interest in a broad array of topics that relate tocommunity engagement and social change. Ideally, the researcher would embrace multiple methodsand be receptive to working in partnership with change-oriented community organizations and/or anchorcommunity institutions.

The successful candidate will serve as a director of the Metamorphosis Project, a wide-ranging researchproject at the Annenberg School that focuses on community engagement in the Los Angeles area(http://www.metamorph.org/ ). This scholar will also be affiliated with the Annenberg Institute forDiversity and Empowerment in order to explore the intersection of community engagement and diversity.

About the Annenberg School for Communication and JournalismThe USC Annenberg School was established in 1979 with a gift from US Ambassador WalterAnnenberg. It was expanded to include programs in Journalism and Communication Arts and Sciencesin 1994, and has continued to grow to its current size of 95 full-time faculty, 100 adjunct faculty, and 175staff, with the support of $182 million in gifts from the Annenberg Foundation. We have recently openeda new 85,000 square foot building, made possible by an additional $50 million gift from WallisAnnenberg. The Annenberg School has a combined undergraduate and graduate enrollment of 2200.

ApplicantsIn order to be considered for this position, all candidates must apply via the USC Employee RecruitmentServices website at the following link: http://jobs.usc.edu/postings/53964 . Submission materials shouldinclude a cover letter, curriculum vitae, samples of recent refereed publications and the names of threereferences. Final candidates will be requested to submit three (3) letters of recommendation. The coverletter should be addressed to School of Communication Faculty Search, attention Billie Shotlow,Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California, 3502 Watt Way, Suite 305, LosAngeles, CA 90089-0281. Applicants may direct questions to Billie Shotlow: [emailprotected] or(213-821-2718). Materials submitted by regular mail will not be accepted. Review of applications willcommence on October 15, 2015 and continue until the position is filled or the search closed.

USC is an equal-opportunity educator and employer, proudly pluralistic and firmly committed to providingequal opportunity for outstanding persons of every race, gender, creed and background. The Universityparticularly encourages members of underrepresented groups, veterans and individuals with disabilitiesto apply. USC will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilitiesunless doing so would result in an undue hardship. Further information regarding accommodations isavailable by contacting [emailprotected] .

MARQUETTE UNIVERSITYCollege of Communication

Assistant Professor in Digital Media

The J. William & Mary Diederich College of Communication at Marquette University invites applicationsfor a tenure-track assistant professor in digital media production beginning Fall 2016. The College isseeking a dynamic individual who can provide expertise and leadership in contemporary digital mediapractices.

Candidates would teach basic audio and video production and post-production techniques used in radio,narrative, documentary, and emergent media. Part of teaching load will include development of a newcourse on basic photo, audio, and video techniques for journalism majors. Interests and expertise inother areas in digital design and production, such as web design, data visualization or interactive media,history, aesthetics or law are desired. In addition to teaching, the candidate will be responsible foradvising undergraduate students in Journalism and Digital Media, serving on college and universitycommittees, and establishing and maintaining a research or creative agenda. The hire is required tosupport the growing demand for digital production across the college, most notably in the journalism anddigital media areas.

Complete information about this position may be found at the following link, informal questions directedto Dr. Karen Slattery at [emailprotected] . For full consideration, candidates should applydirectly to https://employment.marquette.edu/postings/5165

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MARQUETTE UNIVERSITYCollege of Communication

Assistant Professor in Public Relations/Corporate Communication

The Department of Strategic Communication in the Diederich College of Communication at MarquetteUniversity invites applications for a tenure-track position for an assistant professor beginning 15 August2016 with a teaching and research concentration in public relations and corporate communication.Opportunities for leadership also exist within the department and college.

The ideal candidate should be able to teach classes and conduct research in Public Relations andCorporate Communication. Teaching responsibilities may include writing courses, introductory andadvanced courses in Public Relations and Corporate Communication, and courses that complement thecandidate's expertise. All research and teaching interests are welcome but we are particularly interestedin emphases in crisis, global and health communication.

The candidate will also have opportunities to teach in the graduate program. In addition to teaching, thecandidate will be responsible for advising undergraduate and graduate students, serving on college anduniversity committees, and establishing and maintaining a research agenda.

Complete information about this position may be found at the following link, informal questions directedto Dr. Gee Ekachai at [emailprotected] . For full consideration, candidates should applydirectly to https://employment.marquette.edu/postings/5164


Two Tenure Track Assistant Professor Positions

Social Media/New Media Technologies, and Strategic Communication with an Emphasis in PublicRelations, Advertising, or Mass Communication

Cal State L.A. is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty.

More details available at:http://web.calstatela.edu/academic/position/2014_arts_letters/coms_ttf.php


UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDADepartment of Health Education and Behavior

Center Director Faculty Position

We seek a behavioral or public health scientist with a funded research program that usescommunication technologies (e.g., eHealth, mHealth, social media) for health promotion and who canprovide visionary leadership for continued Center development as a collaborative research enterprisethat complements and supports Department, College, and other UF research programs. Candidates withtheoretical frameworks relevant to health behaviors; an established research record in the modificationof health-related behavioral risk factors using mobile communication devices, Internet, and/or socialmedia; and experience with multidisciplinary collaboration and implementation science/dissemination ofweb-based health behavior change programs are especially encouraged to apply. The Director positioncarries a faculty appointment in the Department of Health Education and Behavior, which hasestablished research programs in behavioral aspects of substance misuse, obesity, HIV/AIDS, chronicdisease self-management, health disparities, and digital health applications. The Department offersundergraduate (both residential and online), masters, and doctoral programs in health education andbehavior. Student mentoring and involvement in Center research and training activities are expected.

This 9-month, full time (1.0 FTE) position will begin 1 January 2016 or 16 August 2016 (negotiable).Rank, salary, and tenure status will be commensurate with candidate qualifications. For fullconsideration, candidates should submit materials by 23 October 2015, when the search committee willbegin reviewing applications. Applications received after 23 October 2015 will be considered at the

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discretion of the committee or hiring authority. Applications must be submitted online athttp://jobs.ufl.edu/ (Requisition # 493307) and include: (1) a letter of application summarizing theapplicant's qualifications, ongoing research, and interest in the Center and Department; (2) a curriculumvitae; and (3) names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of five references. Pleasesend email inquiries or nominations to Dr. Michael Stellefson, Chair of the Search and Screen Committee, [emailprotected] .

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