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SATURDAY JUNE 15 1912 THE DETROIT REE PRESS 10 PTIMP (SECZTIVIV SENSATION TIGERS COME BACK TO LIE ANO HAND MACK A BEATING YANKEES CAMNITZ SCORE TWO wisconSHTcrew BALES ARRIVES ONSCENE IN TENTH NEW YORK IT HARDLY SEEMS POSSIBLE DETROIT 0 2 0 9 2 125 13 NEW YORK 1 8 9 Doyle's home run 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Tesr'up ITEENTH OR SENATORS REDS GET THE LONG END the Mack men roti Going tally with 1 8 6 3 4 0 8 CINCINNATI $25 Registered Suits 3 5 0 0 0 0 5 6 2 8 0 0 $1785 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DBC CATBOAT AMERICUS SOT Totals 39 13 27 13 3 Totals 41 REGATTA TODAY OR RANK GOTCH 0 1 0 8 9 0 0 4 0 0 13 BROOKLYN SQUELCHES CARBS EBOOK LYN IRST TO ENTER 50c to $200 firth ninth Inning If You See It in a Schmitz Shroder Ad Its True Batted for Dale In Schmitz Shroder Lipphardt Res Partner 'armer St Bet Monroe Gratiot Straw Hats 1 New Line of Shirts $1 With rench Collars and Cuffs team found Nesbit for ten 0 Al 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 3 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 2 3 2 8 3 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Young the the tho at 25c $L3550c Herzog 3 Meyers Wlltsep fifth fifth fifth Milan Gandill Shanks1 Murgan3 Ihnry'c Willett Moriarty handiu and fumbled it a mile past first on third before Coombs put in De cob Willett gave his oid WalkervlIIe Aftr Saturday Contest Walkerville ball club wishes to book games with some wtrong club for Saturday July 15 Phone Windsor IM0 Cham chain wln 2:30 0 0 0 Sweeney lj ft un Coston Cln irst on Off Hess 6 off irst base on Boston 3 8 Hit by Marsana 3 Struck By Hess 2 by 2:10 tnneran BROWN TRIMS ITHACANS Would like game tor Saturday AnarMi ran Ridge Any strong team wishing a game with St Louis please call Grand 784 and ask for rank club The start Is at A club would like to book games with any strong team in city or utate and Sunday June 18 and 18 jofli j'ikv ni eve 8238 between 6 and cioru anuare 11 naa it oft by aoniu Weoer ana fielding battle was worthy to rank tnuso other inemorame between the two cuius wnu Batted for Hess in ninth Innings 1 SSI Boston 0 0 0 Cincinnati 1 0 0 1 Rescher 2 Marsans 2 Phelan HARVARD CREW EQUALS RECORD You'll recognize their exceptional merit at a glance They are full of snap elegance and every one a winner even at $29 The young man the college man the man who is ultra particular about his clothes is the man best fitted to judge tine clothing and we submit our Suits to his most critical judgment with absolute assurance of his enthusiastic approval Norfolk or plain models tor Young Men sizes 32 to 36 Egan Heps 1 lrnh! Ix an Sweeney and Houser 2 McDonald tfiAU rt ana iiuuher clnnati 8 romine 3 Cincinnati O'Rourke romine 3 and Emsile WILLETT EECTIVE DESPITE SOME STUMBLING BY SUPPORT Batted fnr O'Neil In Ratted for Sten in tRan for Jackson In Innings Cleveland Washington Innings Detroit Athletics Two base Crawford Moriarty Baker tuinpr lett by Willett 4 (Lord Oldring Melnnas) Bases on Off Bender 1 (Bush) off Wlihtt 1 (Collins) irst base on Detroit 1 Philadelphia 2 Lt ft An Detroit 4 Philadelphia 7 1U Westervelt and Evans Aitendanc Washington June 14 The in tense enthusiasm here aroused by the continuous victories of the Washington American league baseball team today spread to the White House when President Taft notified the club officials that he would be on hand next Tuesday afternoon to witness the game here between the world's cham pion Philadelphia team and Washington Numerous senators and representatives have signi fied their intention of attending the game also and the crowd promise tobe a record breaking one Poughkeepsie June The crews of Cornell Columbia Wlncomdn and Le land Stanford university were all on the water this afternoon but practice was un satisfactory owing to a biyy a The Wisconsin squad arriving nt noon found a new Ward shell awaiting the sity crew While the boat was being rigged the freshmen went out In their old boat and came near being swamped in the rough water The Badgers have only two of last year's men In their boat tho rest of the eight being from the IM! freshman crew Harry Vail formerly of Harvard is In charge of the Wisconsin party as coach He says the men are in better shape than a year ago Through the courtesy of Cornell the fee land Stanford crew was able to row twice today They have heard nothing at their missing English boat They went over the four mlle conrso in the morning and had some rough water paddling In the after noon both times In the Cornell freshman boat The two crews were able to use the one boat with very little change in It and the Californians said that It seemed to fit them better than the shell they have been using at home Morton Rogue rowing director of Co lumbia telephoned from New York today to the Blue and White canp to kt the Stanford crew have a boat and Coach Courtney besides assisting the visitors' with one of the Cornell shells renewed his offer to have the 1919 boat sent on from Ithaca for their use Definite arrange ments wiu ne maue tomorrow its upi Seward has given up hope of receiving tho shell from England Trounce lat Bock of Detroit won Its Of AMERICAN ATHLETES SAIL OR STOCKHOLM OLYMPIAD Special to The ree Press New York June 14 With whistles tooting1 and flags waving the Bed Star steamer inland pulled out of her dock this morning carrying America's athletes bound for Swed en and bent on contests that shall open the eyes of the nations of the world The vastness of the undertaking rendered the chartering of a spe cial steamer necessary and In addi tion to the 150 athletes who went on tho glory winning end there were as many enthusiastic follow ers of the sport started on the trip to encourage the lust) athletes and cheer their victories An army leav ing for the field of battle could not have received a more rousing send off than this band of peace proniot oi Over Walk Over HEAVY CASH WAGER ELIMINATES ALL IDEA AKE AB Moeller 5 Thpn Wl The next exclte home run single a single in the open with st Louis this afternoon 7 to 5 The visitors ran the bases to suit them selves ine score: ST LOUIS Gardner 7 Shotton Compton Stovall Krlchell 5 Three base hits Daniels Home Zinn Sacri fice Brown Zinn Quinn Double play and Stovall Stolen Hartzell 2 Stump Gardner 2 Pratt Austin 'Dan iels Sweeney Hit by By isher Krlchell Bases on Off isher 1 off Brown 1 off Quinn 1 Struck By Brown 4 by isher 1 bv Quinn Hits Off Mitchell 4 In 1 3 off isher 5 in 4 2 3 off Quinn 1 In 5 1 3 off Brown 11 In 9 2 3 Left on St LouD 3 New York 8 Two tours O'Loughlin and Egan 1 HOWLAND UHLIK of do of in Milo Mll rliih straight game of this season by defeat ing lat Hock ball team by a score of 11 to 9 The Milos put the game out of reach when they the pan three times In the seventh Inning The features of tho game was the batting of Mc Ailan getting four safe hits and red Earle pitching 2 0 Hoblltzel romme 7 Kirke Hous Two bas Gowdy Hoblltzel llome Kirke Sacrifice Stolen Phelan Campbell Esmond Hoblltzel and Mc NEW YORK AB Devore 1 Doyle Mnod's 1 Murray Gainer Comes Through Jim Delahan ty was ftrst up for the ninth and Barry tossed him out Gainer whose previous bat ting had been extremely discour aging made good this time with a triple to right center both Lord and Oldring trying for the ball and neither jetting to It Moriarty got the count up to three and two af ter Bender seemed to have fanned him George apparently swinging at a third strike but getting the benefit of the ruling that he gone all the way round The outfield was playing very close so as to be ablffi to throw to the plate on a short fly and Morris lifted the ball over head Gainer walking with the winning run Toledo and Monroe Racing Craft Again to Compete Against Detroit Crawford doubled with two out In the Tiger sixtn and Morlartv with cue gone in the seventh without ut LiiiiKr nnv ne best exhibition in the eighth rmg Collins and Baker singled in order with one out and on the third of these hits Cobb made his run killer throw to the plate The other two were left when Strunk forced Baker Tigers Go Ahead Detroit went ahead In tho dosing Part of the period Baker made a bad throw on Bush and Mclnnes hold the ball when he speared It with one hand Jones sacrificed and Cobb hit the run home with a single to left Ty was caught stealing and Crawford fanned The Tigers just naturally forced a run on Connie Mack In the ninth After Mclnnes had fanned Barry ruuea one wwarn iiura instead of letting the ball cut over and then heaved it base Barry being it was recovered to bat for Thomas lifted a short tty just back of second Bush who was playing in had to run bark hard to get the ball and Barry fig uring that Owen would have no time to set himself for a throw dashed for home ater the eaten peg struck the ground sev eral feet in front of Stanage and Instead of coming up on a Bill Ilassmer bound hugged the dirt with the result that Lt trickled through Oscar and Barry was safe Bender hit but was left when Lord bounded to Bush AB Byrne 3 Carey 1 Miner i McCy2 Gibson Pirate Hurler Has Giants at His Mercy While Wiltse and les reau Are Unable to Stop Pitts burgh Sluggers New York June Pittsburgh easily defeated New York in the first game of the series today 6 to 1 Wiltse was knocked out of tho box in five' innings while Camnltz was invincible the New Yorks making their only run on The score: PITTSBURGH A Nationals Have Edge on Naps in Slugging Match Cleveland June Washington won its fifteenth successive game today defeat ing Cleveland 13 to 8 Blanding and Kahler were knoefced out Paskette being the only Cleveland pitcher who was effective Score: CLEVELAND AB Graneyl Olson 3 I4ijolej Bin cnm Buteh'rr Peck'hs Turner 2 Nell Adams Steen Kahler tBall States Aside from the local cracky there were men from San ran cisco Portland Oregon Seattle Utah Chicago St Louis Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Philadelphia? Boston and one sturdy swimmer i from the Hawaiian islands in Duka1 Kohanomhu Other cities mav h4 represented but most of the are enrolled In clubs belonging ttM tha nlabao niTrirt There was more excitement for the thousands on tho dock when tne inland puiiea out with flags waving and the cheers of team's well wishers drowning strains of vthe band It was this moment that Lieut John Montgomery came racing along too Ute to board the vessel He sub sequently boardei the steamer by way of a tug Brooklyn clubs The 11 to 2 The score: ST LOUTS 0 0 Metnuei 'Thruakoa hit Struck cul by Bender 7(Burh Crawford Moriarty Onslow 5 Will i 1 I a 0 1 i A rl 1 1 1 wl wee xMisrM on uenaer 1 BY MARRY BULLION Unquestionably the best proof ob tainable that the Johnson lynn contest for the heavyweight pionship of the world at Las July 4 will be on the the spirit with which the pion is hitching to any and allwagers of substantial size offered by the big betters of the country Johnson himself or the flow of the money that is becoming noticeably thick has placed the odds on the outcome at 2 to I with the king pin punch dispenser soaring on the dizzy hlghts In tlie early preliminaries attend ing the signing of articles every thing pointed to a woeful lack of interest in the encounter because of Lhe superior and inferior merits of the contestants But since the men have been undergoing strenu ous preps and news of the daily grind has been coming out of the camps public sentiment for and not against the conflict has increased Betting Men Stingy Sporting men those who merely discuss the outcome and the big operators who wager heavily and with wlsdpm are beginning to Uke some interest in the affair uf course even now it Is a little too far off to get unduly excited over anything said and done by the light ers and the reported spasms of frenzied finance by the betting ele ment but a proposition that gave all the promise of being bloorAer for want of support is showing signs of life Of the active ones Jack Johnson himself appears to be the leader In addition to his training work and occasional races with death In bls auto the black champion is dis playing considerable agility In thrusting out his able right arm and nursing unto himself several tons of money flung at him by ava ricious betting syndicates at odds of 1 to 2 One of those impetuous outfits wired 8000 to bet on lynn and intimated that It would be pleased to lay It against only onliest coin injure vanity and you got him angry The idea that any one thought lynn could beat him hurt Jack and he lost no time to burn the wires and snap up the bet Johnson laying $16000 against $8000 Others not quite as large as the one just referred to hav been accepted by Johnson ft There fs Benwon There is a reason for the earnest efforts shown in the train ing work Besides being obliged to defend his title there Is a snug fortune wagered by him on the re sult if the reported cash transac tions are bona fide Thcc much reason to doubt them either or every sporting event staged you will find a certain clemeut ever anxious to take the short end of betting propositions They are termed sharp shoters the caliber who rarely if ever support a fav orite but seldom overlook an op portunity to back the short priced ones or playing them on the tall In the vernacular of the running turf No wagers of any Importance have come to light in Detroit thus far and fjom prospects at present it seems that the battle Is destined to be decided without a dollar being chanced on It in this city There are a few of the larger fellows who will gamble real money but in each Instance it Is Johnson money that is going begging Later perhaps purses may open for the lynn cause but right now they are closed and riveted Billy McIntosh proprietor of the cafe at 35 Michigan avenue offers to lay $1000 against $600 that John son retains his laurels when the sun sinks behind the horizon July 4 PHIULDBLrillA SB 0 0 Washington ans Completely Upset Over Their Club Jack Welch Will Referee Battle at Vernon on July 4 was par men on Uiacs as a gianee at the details of Uj scrap win show in the nrst in ning for instance Connie Macks universal and peiennial champions chased in but one tally on a triple a single and an error while In the eighth they wasted three blows ab solutely Benner the man who eharedf world's series honor with Baker last fail was opposed to lhe Tigers and like WHUtt Le was most ulfii cuit uitii men on the paths Asioe from the first Inning and the last the chief never permitted any bunching of hits two being Insert ed in each ut thebe frames while the others dribbled along one at a time The chief fanned seven men An error by Baker accounted for one of the Detroit runs or rather It placed the savage in such position that it was asking loo much to expect him to crawi out of trouble without paying the penalty ot a tally The Tigers have Ty Cobb largely to thank (or their victory Both ot fenslveiy and in the field the Bench was uur high card He got three clean haru vlffs in four times up 1 sending one run home and driving a man from first to third on an other occasion while his steal of third base in the opening stanza Lladud him in position to ring up Cubb Siiven the Day Cobb probably savedthe game for Detroit in the eighth or at leastbe made it possible for the Junga leers to win it in the prescribed number of innings instead of going into overtime without a chance of i a contrary result With on first i and second and one ou In this semi final chapter rank Baker hit the ball as hard as it ever has been nruck within the memory of man Messrs Mathewson Marquard et of New York say that Baker at his best can spoil a baseball ut terly for any future use if he hap pens to put his mind on the job This was one of the times when rank concentrated his entire at tention and the bull fairly shrieked as it Hew to center field on a line Cobb picked it up on a nice hop and cut loose for the rubber bound ing the pill into Stallage's bands so perfectly that even the scrappy Eddie Collins find any fault with Umpire Westervelt's decision In waving Oldring out One run was slain right here and a man re tired which made the situation al together different than It would have been had scored and left a couple of companions waiting to profit by any further hitting when only one hand was out Lord tn Usual Stunt Erls Lord who mopes and pines unless he gets a hit to open a game of ball have to do either this time for he ripped off a triple down the right field line Oldring struck out Collins attempted the play one of the best things he does by the way This rne his bunt was aimed right down the pitching lane and Willett fielded it 14 time to get Lord at home Baker smote lustily to center an i mt de two bases when Cobb stumbled in his haste to reach BY A BATCHELOIL Our Tigers returned from their six day vacation yesterday after noon and resumed their occupation of winning ball games Several times It seemed that they were In this accomplishment from lack uf practice but by bunching a couple of good healthy hits In the ninth inning they man aged to put across the run that made it 4 to 3 triple and which wouid base been gomi zor several bases if the "game ended us soon as Dei crossed tho produced the de ciding tauy victory waa piuiiculur Jy acceptable in that tnu Tigers just a Hiujueiit tossed ields Tne among jousts are cacti other dearest enenms in the American league uiiere were thtills in every inning enough er rors to make things constantly in teresting and much good pnuning fielding and hitting in thu matter of uaiung honors were even racn club getung two douolus a triple and five singles More result from occasional bumming of safeties en abled tho Tigers tu snow a nue in front at the wire Willett Is Eficetive Edgar Willett did the curving for Detroit and did it so well that he should have iied the Macks tu one tun The Tigers happened to cnoose just the wrong spots io two of their three errors and thus handed their guests couple of lutDes tnui kept them in the game and the iz 11 miilxK '1 I Los Anrlefl Cal June 14 Welch of San ranciaco was selected today to referee theWol gaat Rivers lightweight chatrplon ahlp fight at Vtmon July 4 It was generally believed Jeffries would be selected Late today he notified Manager Mc Uarey of the club that he could not act Welch was chosen gentleman from Kansas ticuiariy effective with Twenty one catboats are entered In the third Intcr ciub catbuat races to be held under tho auspices of the Detroit Boat club yachtsmen on the Detroit river to day and some exciting racing is expected providing of course the necessary breeze Is on hand to make the affair the success that it should be As usually Is the case the contest be tween the Toledo and the De trolt private owned should be hard fought affair Un their first ap pearance on the Detroit river last Sat urday at the Solvay races the piano fin Ished craft failed to do as well as was expected of them and the old feud will be renewed with vigor today Monroe also are entered In this class Walkerville planned to take part in to day's races but their new boats have been held un tn shipment and conse quently did not arrive in time for the races The course Is from the Detroit Boat club up the river and Is a triangular one A rules to govern The race will be twice around the course If the wind Is of sufficient velocity A handsome silver cup will be given the chib scoring the largest number ot points and individual silver cups for the crew of the winning boat and champion ship nag to 09 ine property qi me Ding boat or club The start Is at Runs Moran 3 Cutshaw Smith 2 Daubrt Wheat Hummel 2 Tooley 11 Konetchy Oakes 2 Left on bases St Louis 7 Brooklyn 8 Two base Ellis Smith 2 Three base Evans Wheat Home Moran Sac Continued on Page 11 Column 4 1000 Children Are Guests of Superbas at the Game Brooklyn June 14 lag day was cele brated here today when 1000 children from two orphan asylums and a dis ciplinary school with bands attended the game as the guests of the St Louis and Brooklyn clubs The home team won street There as early as crowd began to gather and line for the march to the the bead of the procession imnofdnfi? Uncle Sam chin whiskers and all clothed In gor geous raiment of stars and stripes In private life the man who repre sented the land of the free Is known as but few of the crowd penetrated his disguise The Twenty second regiment band played lively music as Mar shal Dieges gave the order to march and all through Twenty third street the paraders were reinforced by hundreds who dropped out of ele vated and street cars on their way to tho pier Prominent in the pro cession was a white haired old man Col William Van Wyck the first president of the New York Athletic club which was formed as far back as 1868 In line with him wore many notables including Deputy Street Commissioner James Lynch Maj Murphy Twenty second regiment Robert Kammerer Hugh QulntL John Norton red Lawrence John McHugh Peter Prunty Boyle Boxing Commissioner John Dixon Charles Harvey and Sparrow Robinson By the time the marchers swung through the gates of the dock the battalion had Increased to a small army which mingled with the throng already on the pier until there were between 2(iU0 and 3000 person present to wish good speed to the (lower of America's athletes At the pier the crowd was so great that many could not gain access thereto Athletes Board Quickly Most of the athlete were soon on board The athletes themselves macle an imposing array lined up along the rail of the steamer wav ing the American flags To name all the athletes on board wculd be to give a list of cham pions of every district in the United Look Them Over It Will Pay You BBUBSKaxa 1 5 1 8 Values and Clash What ought be an interesting game will br pulled off at tho grounds St Aubin and the railroad today at 2:30 when the fost golng chib will encounter the strong Mr'ord team Alt A players repon at club rooms at 10 sharp Redtop Conn June Tn a time row the Harvard 'varsity eight equaled the record on the Thames river made by the Yale crew of 1SSS which went over the four mlle course in 20 minutes 10 seconds The record is the more remarkable in view of the fact that the crew rowed up stream while the Yale record was made down stream with conditions more favorable There was a southern wind blowing across that course to day aod there was a long swell The men rowed in splendid form and were in excellent condition at the end The highest stroke was 3s and the lowest 33 The time for the half mile was 2:13: mile 4:44 one and one half miles 7:23 two miles two and a half miles 12:28 three miles three and a half miles 17:31 four mile 20:10 Boston Gives Cincinnati No Par ticular Trouble Losing 7 to 3 Boston June Cincinnati bad little difficulty winning from Boston today 7 to 3 The Reds hit Hess on top of passes and errors while romme waa generally effective The score: BOSTON 6 0 0 Three base Lord thy 4 1 irst base on New York 1 Pittsburgh 2 Two base Hofman 2 Three base Becker Horne Byrne Doyle Sacri fice Camnitz Carey Stolen base Recktr Left on New York 7 Pitts burgh 6 Double plays Wagner and Mil ler McCarthy Wagner and Miller Bases on Off Wiltse 1 off Tesreau 1 off Canmiiz 4 Struck By Wiltse 2 by TeKrcau 4 by Camnltz 3 Off Wiltse 8 in off Tesreau 2 In 4 1:45 Klem and Rigler the ball Collins scoring bad throw which Gainer had to leave the bug to get put Strunk on first and Amos stole second in an Informal way Mclnnes passed quietly out of this life on a hopper to Willett Jhe ot a couple in their half which resembled those pleas ant first innings that we used to see four or five days a week Bend er let Bush walk on four pitches ard after Davy had grazed the stars with a fly Cobb bunged a snglo to right placing Bush on third Crawford filed to Strunk no tar out that there wag no use try ing to prevent Ownie's scoring Cobb moving to second on the play Delananty waited until Cobb 'had scared Baker to death by stealing third and then hit to left the Peach romping tn Barry clutched pup Harry Gefw No Jjep tv Barry started the second with a A 1 tr 1 a a 1 rn iiimt iu mira on II A I 1 A ui iniiem 4tu uunea uoru ment was In the fourth in which Mclnnes doubled to left with one out and Thomas were putty in Willett's hands ill me HJviu me their second nnd tielri iiw cut the Semblance of a hit Eddie CclllnB was allowed to walk after It appeared that Edgar had put the third strike over on him On a hit and run play Baker foul tipped the ball and Onslow made a high throw to second the ball going over head into center field while rollins sped to third Baker hit a fly a mile long to Crawford and Collins got the scoreboard 2 3 4 M'7 I RHK 6 i 1 (i 8 0 0 0 4 JO 0 OlOOdQQe 150hnftn an Pnell? Nesbit O'Malley an4 bcbick Bedford 0 13 2 Moeller 2 oster Milan 2 Gandll 2 Shanks Morran 2 McBride Henry 13 Granny Olson Lajoie 2 Birmingham Butchi 2 8 Two base hits Butcher Morgan JLnry tir 2 Shanks 2 Milan Three bae La jole Butcher Moeller Sacrifice hlta oi son Shanks Hughes Stolen Peck Jnpangh Gandll Morgan Milan 5 oster Double play Moeller and Henrv Hughes McBride and Gandll Kahler and Lajole' Pitching Off Blanding 11 hits in 4 1 8 Innlne off 2 in 2 23' off Kahler 7 in 2 none out In eighth off Haskett none 2 irst base on Off Blanding off Kahler 1 off Hughes Hughes Hit by pltchr Bv Kahler Moeller hy Hushes Birmingham Struck By Blanding 1 by Steen 1 by Kahler 1 by Bartrette by Hushea 2 Wild Baskettc irst on Cleveland 2 Washington 1 uft on base 11 Washington 7 2:42 Hart and Connolly Bender Allows Home Club to Bunch Hits in irst and Last Inning but Is Strong at Other Tims Great Throw Saves the Day Badgers in Better Shape Than Last Year Nothing Heard of Boat Take Exciting Game by Score of 4 to 3 Winning Run Coming With One Out in Ninth on Gain Triple and Single With Bands Playing and lags lying Cream of United Track Men Embark on the inland ers as the inland slid out the dock promptly at 9 o'clock Cltlxena Parade Streets An eleventh hour suggestion Charles Dieses and John Brien athletes in the days before Olympic contests had been revived led to the organization of a regular parade at Sixth avenue and Twen ty imra 7:30 the form In pier At was an Young Suits for Graduation Let the young man graduate in one of our Special Blue Serge XI Suits at $10 strictly pure wool Till alpaca lined and tailored in IV height of fashion THE Schmitz Shroder COMPANY Special for Today 100 Odd Suits New York Ties Count in Ninth Home VRun Two Singles and a Stolen Base in Overtime Settling the Argument St Louis June A by Zinn followed by a stolen base and another the tenth gave New York Ing game of the series Negro Champion Is Betting His Own Coin That He Will Be Returned the Winner at Las Vegas July 4 Tubular Wash Ties 6 pairs Guaranteed 25c Hose New line of Silk Caps ANDERSON CO 99 WOODWARD AVE Between Congress and Lamed Crowds Delivery and Wins Easily by 4 to 1 Score Providence June Brown won from Cornel! 4 to today on merits Conzel man kept the Ithacan's hits well scattered wnne tne nome hits score: Innings brown Cornell Summer Shirts The latest and best lines in troit Neclicee stvles separate lars attached collars in Star Ar row and Our own Brands 50c to $350 amous Toe Hold Topples Balti more Grappler in Straight alls Loser Clever Baltimore June rank Gotch Iowa champion heavyweight wrestler feated Gus Schoeniein (Americus) Baltimore champion light heavyweight two straight falls at Oriole park here to night famous toe hold won him both falls the first in 62 minutes and 10 seconds and the second tn 84 seconds Americus displayed much cleverness and wriggled out of several tight places but It was soon apparent that superior weight and strength would gain him the victory barring an accident ankle was badly sprained In the first fall and he went on for the second session against the advice of his physician In the preliminaries John Perelll of New York gained a fall from James Laughlin of Cambridge Mass In 24 min utes and 20 seconds Timken Records Entry of Champion for Cadiilaqna Races Ryan Will Send Three Kitty Hawk holder of all rec ords for hydroplanes of twenty six feet or under has the honor ct b4n the flret official entrant to the Cadiilaqna speed boat race The official entry blank was received yesterday at CadlHaqua headquar ters signed by the champion's new owner Timken of Canton Ohio It la stated however that her former owner Lee Counselman wfi' drive the Kitty Hawk in the Caditfaqua racru She Is en tered In three the elght mlle hydro plane rv tbe refor all hydroplane race at sixteen miles and forty mile Cadll iaqua championship rare which Is for all classes of bdropianea and displacement boats The official entry of the Raby Reliance TL which gave tna Kitty Hawk such a terrific race June 8 before the Reliance went to the botom of the river Is ex pected dally John Ryan owner of the Baby Reliance II has lost none of his confidence in that great little boat and win ent her to renew the feud with the Kitty Hawk Pmlth of Algonac will drive the Reliance IL during the Cadil laqua races Mr Ryan has said that he win have two other boats In the CadiUaqua events Summer Underwear All the correct styles of summer union suits in drop seat and regu lar: also the best makes in 2 picce suits 4 Sctvoit Jfm ll I I i re tt I i i i 1 I sir i JI At fiBK ULAHK UiU I i 1 44 1 W' 1 vt I Ik AB HTBSHSBOAE AB HTBSH Bush ss 32U000241 Izvd rf 6 1 8 0 Jones If 300010100 Oidr'g cf 4 0 1 1 0 Cobb' cf 4133S1110 Collins 2b 8 2 1 1 0 rf 801310100 Baker 3b 3 0 8 1 2b 401100150 Strunk If 4 0 0 0 Gainer lb 411800 13 00 lb 4 0 1 2 0 3b 4 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 Barry ss 4 1 1 0 Onslow 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 Thomas 3 0 0 0 0 felahage COOOOOOSOO Egan 0 0 0 0 0 Willett p80000004 1 Bender 4 0 1 1 0 Vllt 100000000 fCoomba 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 31 4 8 I 2 1 37 14 Totals 34 8 8 12 2 Patted for Onslow In seventh inning 1 atted for Thomas in ninth inningOne out when winning run scored AB BO A AB II A Shot'nm 3 0 4 1 0 5 2 10 0 5 2 2 1 1 Stump 5 3 0 5 0 Stovall 1 4 18 0 0 Creel 5 12 0 0 Pratt 2 4 1 2 0 0 Zlnnm 4 2 3 0 0 Aufltin3 4 2 2 1 0 Chase 5 1 17 0 0 4 0 2 5 0 2 5 2 2 7 1 2 0 7 1 0 Daniels 5 2 110 0 0 0 0 0 Streetc 8 13 3 0 Drown 2 0 0 0 0 lsherp 2 0 0 1 0 Laporte 1 0 0 0 0 Quinn 10 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 iCaldw'I 110 0 0 1110 0 Totals34 83091 Batted for Krlchell In tenth Ratted for Rrown in tenth (Batted for Street in ninth Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 New York 2 00000021 St Txiuis 8 000110000 5 Hartzell Stump 2 Cree Zinn Totals 33 10 27 9 1 Total31 3 27 9 2 Batted for Wiltse In fifth Innings 1 234 5 6789 Pittsburgh 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Byrne 2 Carry Hofman McCar AB li A AB II A EXPD'd3 5 0 3 3 1 ReCherl 4 12 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 Mars's in 112 0 0 4 1 5 4 OHoblit'll 5 3 7 10 Kirker 4 111 1 5 10 0 0 Jackson! 3 1 0 0 0 Egan 2 5 18 4 0 Houser 1 4 0 11 0 0 Phelan 3 4 1 03 1 Q'Rou'es 2 0 0 3 1 Esmond a 3 0 0 2 1 Gowdyc 3 2 3 2 0 CM 1114 1 Ihsap 2 10 1 IM'Leano 4 0 7 0 0 Jones 1 0 0 0 0 rom'ep 3 10 3 0 Totals 34 10 16 3 Totals 33 6 27 14 4 WASHINGTON AB A AB A VTaee 4 1110 Moran rn 115 10 llKL 8 1 2 0 0 5 0 1X0 4 2 0 0 JStnilh3 3 3 110 4 14 10 4 2 13 1 0 Evansr 4 110 0 Wheat I 4 4 10 1 WSm 3 13 4 1 Hura'lr 4 10 0 1 Oukeam 4 1 4 0 0 Tooley 3 10 6 0 nilxfce 4 17 0 0 Mlllere 2 16 0 0 WlillsP 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 W'urnp 0 0 0 0 0 HowelLP 0 0 0 0 0 Dalep 2 10 0 0 Hus'lnfl 1 0 0 0 0 Totals34 24 11 1 Totals SO 12 27 15 2 Innings 12 3 466789 St Louis 00000000 2 2 Brooklyn 10116008 i I.
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